July 03, 2011

This is a letter to the me that I will be on Thursday when I get my paycheck in my hand.


I'm asking you please, don't buy a bag today. Don't do it anymore. If you make this one decision right now, then Fifty Year Old You you look back and thank you. More than thank you. They will look back at this moment and realize that this is when YOU took control. This is when YOU said no. This is the exact moment when YOU decided that YOU ARE BETTER THAN ANY DRUG.

Don't do it because you'll loose Suzan if you don't. Don't do it because your family is disowning you member by member and that if something doesn't change soon then you're going to loose them all. Don't even do it because if you do not quit right now, then you will end up like so much of the scruff in this neighborhood: drunk, alone and quietly miserable. Do it for you Do it because if you do, you could have your success. You could have your wife, your kids, your good job in a good office, making good money and making sure the next generation is a little bit better than this one. That is your dream right now, do it.

I know it will be hard. I know that at this point, quitting will be the furthest thing from your mind. I know that craving, but you know where it leads and it NEVER leads anywhere good, so don't give in this time. Just make the decision for this instant not to buy a bag. I know you probably have a hundred bucks in your pocket right now and you can't want to go out and spend it and that one way or another you'll be near broke by the end of the night. But make this decision this instant and reread this sentence and make it again and again until you've decided not to do it today.

You can do it, I know you can. I love you and I have faith that you will make the right decision.

Actually, I don't. I have no faith in you right now. I know that you'll give in and smoke. I know you as well as you know you and you're gonna give in. Somebody's going to offer something and before you know it, you'll be high and hearing voices behind every closed door. I don't know why we do it, but it's inevitable. So enjoy your high and read this again next week and maybe you'll get something more out of it. Remember that every puff you take takes you further away from Suzan, G'Ally, and every hope of Happily Ever After. If you remember that, then maybe the next time you read this letter, the next time you have any extra money then you won't.

Yours Cynically,

Oblivion's Abyss