February 27, 2018

Wow.  Fucking Wow.  All the stuff I wrote about love in years and years and years of this blog doesn't even begin to describe the feeling of what it is.  To have a woman completely and totally into me.  Who trusts me inharently, mind, body, soul.  Who looks at me with such love and caring and adoration that it melts my heart and makes me want to give her the world.  For whom I would do anything for, anything.  Small things, big things, everything in between.  It's not tit for tat at all.  It's not that I feel like I owe her a god damned thing, but I take such pure joy in doing things for her.  From opening a door and lighting a cigarette for her, to cleaning up our area while she's sleeping because I know it calms her to wake up to an orderly environment.  I'm not doing this because I have to, not because she wants me to, because it truly makes me happy to be doing something, anything for her.  Not just the easy stuff either.  The hard stuff too.  Like pulling away from her at the airport because I know that if I don't, she never will and as much as we bothin