The lonely rantings of a former looser trying to make it through life the best he can. Am I crazy? Maybe a little? Am I bad? I really don't think so. Maybe I'm just me and really that's all that people should expect.
December 30, 2007
So I just had a dream where my mother accused me of murder and nothing I did would make her change her mind. I'm sure it has more to do with the episode of Futurama I watched right before bed than anything else, but it was still scary. Eventually in the dream I watch the end of a movie and that proves to her that I didn't kill anyone. The bad part is, during most of the dream when I'm trying to convince her that I didn't kill anyone, I wasn't sure myself that I didn't.
That's always been an irrational fear of mine, especially living most alone. If I was accused of something, there's a good 14-16 hours a day that I don't have an alibi for. With everybody that America has in it's prisons, isn't it possible that some of them may actually be wrongfully accused? I just saw something on Court TV the other day where somebody was convicted and during his last statement to the court, he says "I just want to say again that I did not do it." But he sounds so defeated, he resigned himself to going to prison for something he didn't do. Of course then you run into the Double Jeopardy situation. So if you get of prison after being convicted of a murder you didn't commit and the person they say you killed is actually alive, then because the constitution says you can't be tried for the same crime twice then you run into the only situation where murder is legal.
Yeah that sounded really crazy, but I swear I'm not, it was just a line of though after a bad dream.
On a lighter note, for the first time since moving out on my own, I won't be alone for New Years. So I finally completed a resolution from two years ago. This years resolutions will be long and varied, so those will come in another post sometime after January 1st. Oh, and the late night talk shows are coming back. If that isn't a blessing in the new year, I don't know what is. Now I don't have to give a damn about the writer's strike as long as Entourage isn't affected in the Summer.
December 25, 2007
Alas, back to being marginalized. Just because somebody's childhood was worse than mine doesn't mean that I don't have the right to feel bad about mine. Besides, she was always the popular one with all the friends, the Marsha Brady of the family. She seemed to have everything going for her, at least she got good grades and had a social life. The point is, because she wasn't repulsively ugly like I apparently am, she had things easier in life. Despite her troubled home life, she still had the advantage. The advantage of being a normal looking person in a shallow world. I would have taken on any of her disadvantages, just to be good looking.
If I were a good looking person, I would have had normal relationships. I would have had a social life in school, I would have dated and maybe married and maybe have a kid at this point in life. I know I'm only 22 and I've never had a steady girlfriend, but growing up I always thought I'd have a wife and kids by this point. Maybe it's becoming a weird obsession, I know I tend to be prone to those, but I would love to have a kid. We all know about the 18 year commitment, but I don't see that as a disadvantage to having a kid, it's a small sacrifice for passing on your genes. And that is my revelation tonight. Having kids is a sacred act and should not be done carelessly because having children is the ONLY path to immortality. It's not God or Jesus or even through writing. Even if people don't remember you, there is always going to be a part of you in the human race if you reproduce. Who knows, maybe once I have a kid I'll finally be able to accept death and live my life.
Oh and if this is not interesting enough for you, or if I'm just a bad writer, tell me. I'll give up my last grasp on my dream of becoming a writing because of a single anonymous post telling me to.
December 21, 2007
Four Months Later . . .
I'm going through my old drafts publishing half thoughts and I really don't remember what I was talking about here. I guess it must not have been that important.
December 16, 2007
I've just had another epiphany about why I cannot find a relationship. Of course it's possible that this might just be yet another justification for my pure laziness when it comes to finding a relationship, but I digress. The following analysis comes from
Your Stress Sources:
Delights in the tasteful, the gracious, and the sensitive, but maintains his attitude of critical appraisal and refuses to be swept off his feet unless genuineness and integrity can be absolutely vouched for. Therefore keeps a strict and watchful control on his emotional relationships as he must know exactly where he stands. Demands complete sincerity as a protection against his own tendency to be too trusting.
What that means is that I surround myself with the aesthetic and I pretend that I have superior taste in movies, books, food, etc. because of how I approach relationships. I'm still so afraid of trusting people's motives (after an humiliating moment in 8th grade), that I can't feel comfortable in a relationship unless the other person is completely open to me about their intentions. In a relationship or on a date, or in life I spend so much time trying to determine whether or not the other person really likes that I don't give them a reason to like me.
What this epiphany comes down to is this: I need to spend a lot less time questioning people's motives and spend more time giving people a reason to like me.
One more thing before I go. I may have been a bit of an ass to some people earlier tonight. Let me assure you that I am really a nice guy and please attribute any offensive stories to a streak of self destructive behavior. I'm not sure where it comes from, but whenever things are going good there's some defense mechanism in my mind that trips and I do unconscious things to make sure things go wrong eventually. That's why I got kicked out of Job Corps, that's why I have debt, and that's why none of my relationships have ever lasted.
Good night.
December 09, 2007
November 30, 2007
It turns out it didn't take that long for her to reject me. She just texted me and said she didn't want to hang out. But that's okay. From what I said in my last post, I wasn't that into her either. I guess it's better that she rejected me now before I spent all that money on a date. So, my loyal reader, I bid you goodnight as I let the pain of rejection float away on a cloud of smoke.
So I was on the phone with the latest online girl and she got a call from her ex and said goodbye. You know what, fuck it. I just talked on the phone for a few hours with this girl, it's not like we even went on a date. Of course we do have to go on the date, but that's merely a formality before she rejects me for being to fat, nervous, immature, whatever. Besides, from what I can tell she's a poor whore of a little girl. I don't know what I'm looking for, but maybe I won't find it online. Maybe I'll find it where I don't expect to. Or maybe I won't find it at all.
There is this line in a story that I read recently that felt almost prophetic when I read it: "He's going to be one of those sad, lonely old bachelors who is neither gay nor straight—just doesn't do sex at all."
What if that's me? What if I grow old and die alone without ever experiencing it? I think I'm just feeling rejected by this girl. I know I shouldn't care and I should be used to rejection by now, but still it's a bit painful. I know I don't feel like going to Salem tomorrow. We have nothing in common, and I already know that she won't like me. Why even bother? I'm sure she knows it too. Maybe she'll call and cancel tomorrow and I'll save some money on the date. Then she'll stop talking to me like all the other girls I've met from the Internet. That would be easier. Then I can spend the next two days floating on a cloud of smoke.
By the way, I'm feeling really low right now so any words of encouragement would help.
I don't remember most of it, but I remember it having to do with my roommate dieing, only he wasn't my roommate it was the guy from Karate Kid I think, me and a couple of other people went somewhere regarding his death, but they wouldn't let me go with them to the funeral in Arizona because I assume I was annoying them somehow. Adn somehow the entire dream took place infront of the middle school that was across the street from my high school, which at some poit magically transformed into a cheap hollywood western set, except the set was in Newport on the highway down the road from the house my real father grew up in. So yeah, a weird dream.
November 29, 2007
November 24, 2007
November 20, 2007
Here it goes, let's see what's on my mind. Not much really, I'm sitting here in an empty apartment watching Entourage and I'm having so much fun. There's purple penguins playing a piano in the corner as I walk into a bar enchanted by the rejects from Pan's Labyrinth. Red linguine is being served in the quarter mile buffet that resembles a trough more than a serving line. Ha ha, the random words of a bored mind. After that period of near lucidity I have once again fallen into the haze that is way too comfortable. I know it's not much, but I'll probably have a good post on Thursday. Holidays always bring out the worst in me.
November 13, 2007

November 12, 2007
Wow, 200 times I've come to my blog out of boredom, desperation, or the mild relief that comes from believing that somebody cares. Now I'm come to my blog on just a normal day with my normal problems. Life is lonely, "cry about it bitch" is what I secretly tell myself whenever I'm feeling lonely and I guess it never works.
To continue this random rant, there are times when I'm sitting at work, or watching a movie, or driving or any other time that I start to feel guilty for things that I did as a kid. For example, and this is my big revelation for my 200th post: when I was a kid, probably 8 or 9, I was playing with my little sister, she would have been three or four at the time. She was jumping off of a little picnic table into my arms, we were having fun playing around, when for no apparent reason (I still can't think of why) I pulled my arms away as she jumped from the table. She fell to the porch and just crumbled. She was okay, just a bruise or two if that, but I feel guilty to this day. Wow, even as I write this I get tears in my eyes. How could I do such a thing, I was just having fun. She trusted me so completely and I let her down. She was hurt because she trusted me. I know that I shouldn't feel guilty over it any more, but here I am almost crying. It must be irrational, but maybe that's the day that my family started to hate me. Maybe that's when she started to hate me. Of course nobody should ever trust me. How could anybody trust me when I would do such a horrible thing. Maybe I'm looking for absolution for doing that, even though I shouldn't need it at this point, but for what it's worth, I'm sorry more than I've ever been sorry for anything that I've ever done. It seems that most of the time when I say I'm sorry it's just because I just want to get out of trouble, or because I have to (work, blah) but for this I truly am sorry. I know I said it when it to her when it happened, and I'm sure nobody else even remembers it, but still I feel bad.
Wow, I just realized how irrational that all seems. Feeling guilty for something that happened so long ago and didn't have any real consequences. But I'm sorry.
As an end note, thank you to everyone that's read my blog over the past 200 posts. My uncle may be right, I might not be able to express my true self here for fear of judgment, but I do my best.
November 11, 2007
November 08, 2007
I pick you up, I'm a little nervous, but when you open your door I know that there's no need to be. We go the the nearest bowling alley, we bowl a couple of games, have a couple of beers and know that there's the connection that people always talk about. From there, we decide to grab something to eat at an Applebee's or Red Robins, something like that. Then, for no apparent reason except for the sheer spontaneity of it we drive to the coast and have a quiet, moon lit walk on the beach. As we walk down the beach, the fog comes in and we find a big rock at the jetty to sit on, we watch the fog swirl around us and enjoy the moment. From there, anything might happen.
I'm Jason, I'm 22 and I live in Albany. I know it's a little far, but distance doesn't matter if there's a connection. I have my own car and apartment and I've had the same job as a Senior Rep at a call center for the past two years, so I like to think that I'm reliable and independent. I'm into cooking, good classic movies and the occasional video game.
I'm 5'8", 275 lbs. I'm a little big, but I'm working on it, I've lost 20 lbs in the past three months. I have dark brown, wavy hair, blue/grey eyes and glasses. Here's my myspace if you want to see a pic:
I've never spent a lot of time in Portland, just the bus station on my way to a job in Yakima, so I'd love to make a trip up there, maybe you can show me around.So if you like what you hear, or would like to hear more, reply. If not, I hope you find what you're looking for.
Hope to hear from you,
Can anybody tell me what's wrong with me? Or maybe I just try too hard, who knows.
November 06, 2007
October 31, 2007
October 23, 2007
A dream
It starts out in a bar with a bunch of people, I'm start talking to this girl and she leaves withotu giving me her number, not too weird. The next scene I walk into an porta potty (a portable toilet) and while I'm standing there some kid tips it over and roles it around. The next couple of minutes are spent catching this kid and shoving him in an even smaller portable toilet, and rolling him around. The next scene, I'm sitting around with some people from work, asking about that girl that left and one of them gets a text from that girl I was flirting with saying she wants to hang out with me. So next thing I know, I'm sitting on my couch w/ this girl, but for some reason it's in the middle of a parking lot of some hotel or low income apartments. Again we're hitting it off, at this point the girl doesn't look, but feels like the girl from donnie darko. She's cute, but quiet and responsive, anyways, in the middle of almost making out with her, the same people that tipped over the portable toilet come back (at this point they look like the drug dealer kids from the wire) but they chase us and it's like a summer resort from the 60's mixed with my old high school, weird. And the cool part is, I can run the entire time without loosing breath. The girl that I was with does get ahead, but every time I turn a corner, she's still there with me. Anyways, we start running down a dock, and interestingly enough there are cars floating on the water in parking spots, but they're actually on the water. So we get to the end of the dock and Morgan Freeman (who for some reason was running with us) jumps off the dock and swims for some island, at this point I look back and that girl I was hitting it off with in the bar so long ago has now changed to Ginny Weasly, but is still the same girl. But I jump in among these floating cars and then I can't get my head above water, it's like the surface is too far away. I get my head above once and I'm trying to yell, the only person that hears me is that girl and she says something like "wait there he is" with hope in her voice, but then Morgan Freeman says something like "If only he were a better person, we might have rescued him"
That's when I sink below the water and the next thing I know, I wake up and I really do have to go to the bathroom, but I'm alive thank god.
So there it is, I might try to analyze it later, but for now at least it's down.
October 22, 2007
October 21, 2007
Here is a letter that I wrote in the middle of a haze, under the influence of a very deep movie, it rambles a bit, but it's from the heart so don't be too harsh.
I don't know who you are, but when I meet you I'll probably say something stupid. I'll probably act scared to death and I'll never look you in the eyes, don't take it as it insult, it's how I am. At first I'll try to impress you using all those endless dating techniques written about on the Internet, please ignore this. Just assure me that you like me for who I am, not for cheap pickup lines that are never quite explained in all those dating techniques. When I finally accept that you like me for who I am, don't get scared of what you see. Accept my insecurities, let me know that none of them matter because you love me. If I get too clingy, tell me, I've never had a relationship, I don't know what to do. If I'm not clingy enough, push my boundaries, let me know that it's okay to show affection. If I sometimes jump at your touch, don't be alarmed, it'll take me a while to get used to all of this. And above all, remember that I'm new to this and that I would never do any thing to hurt you, so if I do something stupid, I promise it wasn't on purpose.
So there it is my first and future girlfriend. This is what you've gotten yourself into. If you can't handle it or if I'm just not worth it, leave now. I'm used to rejection, just don't make me think that there's something here when there isn't, I'll never hope again if you do.
For lack of an elegant sign off,
UPDATE: I think I'm going to put a slightly edited version of this on craigs list just to see what happens.
October 13, 2007
October 07, 2007
Here's a craigslist personal ad that I posted tonight, what do you think?
Something interesting should go here too, but not tonight. Tonight I make an appeal to all those women looking for a decent guy. That's about all I have to offer, I'm 22 and I have my own car, my own apartment and a decent job. I'm into reading, sports and yes, I'll admit it: video games. I'm looking for a girl, 18-25, has similar interests and is willing to take it slow. Let's start with coffee and see where it goes. So if you're interested, send me an e-mail, your pic gets mine.
October 06, 2007
October 04, 2007
September 25, 2007
September 18, 2007
Myspace Survey About Me
Full Name: Jason Feller
Birthday: August 19, 1985
Birthplace: Lincoln City, OR
Age: 22
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 5'8"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Worst Habit: ***********
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Parents Still Together: No, but my mom and step-dad have been together since I was 5.
Hero: Bill Clinton, I miss the 90's.
Greatest Fear: Death
Goal You Like To Achieve This Year: To find the next step on my journey through life.
Best Physical Feature: My hair maybe?
Favorites Color: Black, Purple, Green
Food: Anything deep fried.
Sport: College Football
Animal: Cat
Ice Cream: Mint without chocolate chips.
Candy: Snickers
Store: Anything but Wal*Mart, they killed the drive in.
Actor: Mat Damon
Movie: Right now . . . Pan's Labyrinth
Singer: Diamond Head
Song: Am I evil?
Letter: W, my middle initial and the reason I can say I share a birthday with last president and a middle initial with the current one.
Number: 1, it's the loneliest number
Gum: Winterfresh
Holiday: Thanksgiving (go sweet potatoes!)
Season: Winter, I didn't really have one growing up on the coast.
Drink: Diet Pepsi and Jack and Coke
Day of the Week: Saturday, college football all day, party all night.
Month: December, a time to look back.
Book: The Stand by Stephen King
Flavor: Mint
Scent: Not something I'd wear, but cucumber melon.
Ethnic Food: German
TV Show: Entourage
NFL Football Team: Seahawks
Board Game: Risk
Chinese Checkers
Card Game: Gin or Blackjack
Type of Car: Yukon Denali
Name for a Girl: Emily
Name for a Boy: Jake
Quote: "Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?" - - Edgar Allen Poe
Season: Winter
Subject: Psychology
Friends and Life
What do you want to be when you grow up: An adult
How do you want to die: I don't want to die
Which one of your friends acts most like you: I'm unique
Who Makes You Laugh the Most: I don't laugh
Who Have You Known the Longest: Denise
Who's The Shyest: Me
Where Do You Want to live when you grow up: Alaska
Have You Ever....
Been Kissed: Yes
Skipped School: Yes
Laughed So Hard You Cried: No
Cried in School: Not since 1st grade.
Wanted to be a Model: No
Been on a stage: Yes
Cheated on a test: Yes, but I let her copy off of me.
Called a teacher mom: Let's just say no.
Said something really stupid and then regretted it: Every day
Do You....
Sing Well: I like to think so.
Shower Daily: Definitely
Want to go to College: Yeah
Want to get married: Yes, sometimes all I want is a family.
Want to have kids: Yes
Believe in yourself: At times
Get Motion Sickness: Nope
Get Along with Your Parents: Not most of the time
Like Thunderstorms: Love 'em
Play an Instrument: No
Own an IPOD: Nope
Pray: No
Go to Church:No
Read Your Bible: When I really can't sleep.
Sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope
Keep a Journal: I've kept a blog for the past four years.
Sing in the Shower: Yes
Talk to yourself: Yeah, but I don't answer back.
Like School: If it weren't for all the people.
Own a Laptop: Nope
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: BK Lounge
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
Tv or Movies: TV
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese
Cheerios or Cornflakes: Cornflakes
Casual or Dressy: Casual
Love or Money: Love doesn't exist, so money.
Black or White: Black
Math or Science: Neither
Football or Basketball: Football
Tennis Shoes or Flip-flops: Tennis Shoes
Candy or Gum: Neither
Car or Truck: Car, trucks are killing the O-Zone
Snow or Rain: Snow!
Summer or Winter: Winter
Hot or Cold: cold
Tea or Coffee: Coffee
Pizza or Hamburger: Hamburger
French Fries or Onion Rings: Fries
Jeans or Khakis: Jeans
City or Country: Small town
Can You....
Do A Split: No
Roll Your Tongue in A Circle: Yes
Write With Both Hands: No
Whistle: Yes
Blow A Bubble: Yes
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose: No
Dance: I can try.
Eat Whatever You Want and Not Worry: Heck Yes, but I shouldn't
Who Was The Last Person You Touched: I don't touch people
Talked on the Phone to: Some awful customer
Instant Messaged: Sue
Hugged: Carley
Told You Loved Them: There's no such thing.
Took A Picture: Cassie
Smiled At: The customer I was talking to about the Eagles yesterday.
What's The Last Time
Time You Laughed: A few hours ago.
Time You Cried: A good drunk gone bad.
Movie You Watched: Pan's Labyrinth
Flavor of Gum You Chewed: Citrus Mint
Song You've Sung: Elanore Rigby
Place You've Been: work
Book You've Read: The Golden Compass
Grade You Made on A Test: A
Person You Talked To In Person: Roommate
Right At This Moment
Where Are You: Home
What Can You See Out Your Window: Trees
Are You Listening To Music: No
What Are You Wearing: jeans and work shirt.
Do you believe in life on other planets: Yeah, the universe is too big for us to be unique.
Do you believe in miracles: Not really
Magic: Only in books
Love at first sight: At this point love seems a myth
God: I really really want to, but I can't.
Satan: same thing
Ghosts: same thing
Santa: Ha ha, I'm Santa
Evolution: definitely
Big Bang: It's better than creation.
Abortion: NO!!!!
Gay Marriage: Well sure, who cares not my business!!!
In The Opposite Sex
Fav. Eye Color: Green
Fav Hair Color: Red
Short or Long Hair: Long
Height: Shorter than 5'10"
Weight: Doesn't Matter
Clothing Style: As simple as possible
Random What Country Would You Most Like To Visit: Ireland
Number of CD's I own: none I think
Good Luck Charm: don't have one
How Many Pillows Do You Sleep With: 1
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: 1
Do You Drink Milk: ya
Where Do You Think We Go When We Die: Sadly, nowhere
How Many Rings Until You Answer Your Phone: On the 2nd one ore not at all.
Are You A Health Freak: No, but I'm getting better.
What Is The Worst Weather: Sunny and 85 degrees, it's depressing
Did You Play With Barbies As A Child: No
Did You Watch Barney As A Child: No, but my sisters did.
How Many Grades Have You Failed: None
How Many States Have You Been In: 6
Which State Would You Like To Visit That You Have Not Been To?: Alaska
September 16, 2007
September 14, 2007
September 09, 2007
our song - w4m
you even know what it is? isn't life great? it don't matter if your rich.... (you will never get it, will you?)
This struck me as sad, because I think that's what I'm doing with life. This mystery woman is stabbing this unknown guy with accusations of greed. All the woman wants is a connection and the guy is too lost in the superficial to notice. Maybe the guy isn't intentionally superficial or greedy, maybe the guy's just apprehensive of real relationships. Maybe past failures have killed this guy's ability to connect with someone. Maybe all the woman needs to do is be push herself on the guy a little harder so there's no more confusion.
And maybe, I don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm bored and I can write what I want to.
September 05, 2007
September 03, 2007
September 02, 2007
August 26, 2007
I'm going to go ahead and delete that last section due to the fact that it touches on the source of my irrational feelings. And there I went again wanting to rant on the source of my aggravation, but I can't. And since it seems that I won't be able to write about the source of my issues, I'm going end this here.
August 14, 2007
August 09, 2007
Ugh, this isn't about me, this is about those fucking love birds rubbing their happiness in my face. It's not even that I'm jealous, well maybe a little, but for some reason the sound of them kissing disgusts and enrages me. I know it's irrational. Great, now I hear them FUCKING! I am getting so mad. I know I'll be able to control it and I know I'll hold my toung again because these thoughts are so irrational. Wow I turned on a little Marilyn Manson and the rage seems to go away. Wow, I'm irrational tonight.
As far as the other part of this rant, being surrounded by death. I was sitting in my room watching the Daily Show because my roommate hi-jacked the living room and for some reason a vision of my grandma's funeral popped into my head. What's weird about that is that's she's not even dead. It's like I want to cry to release all these emotions but I can't. I can't cry any more. I used to cry all the time, up through high school anyway. I remember crying at Job Corps too. But it seems like the last time I cried was during a night of drinking and I made an ass of myself. But I have to tell you, crying feels so good. It's the release of all these negative emotions that have nowhere to go.
There must be something seriously wrong with me, and I hate it.
August 08, 2007
That's a good question, and I would have to say yes. I was ready for a relationship in middle school and high school and then at Job Corps where I spent 14 months of my life in a place where guys out numbered girls 3 to 1.
Now I can understand that I need self confidence and platonic relationships before I can seriously pursue a relationship. But I've had platonic relationships, hell I have platonic relationships with girls. "A" is a good friend, or at least I like to think of her as one even though the correct definition would probably be casual friend or good acquaintance. And I have other friends too, well maybe just one right now, but I've had friends in the past. Growing up I moved around too much to keep a big circle of friends, but where ever I went I always made a few good ones.
As far as self confidence goes, I won't lie to myself, I have extremely low self confidence. At 292 pounds what can I expect from myself. But that's something I can hide for a few hours at a time and pretend to be a normal person. Of course if somebody does hang out with me more than a few times I let my real self show through. I've always thought that if I start with a relationship and then confidence will come from that.
And I know I'm desperate, I'm getting more and more desperate and the years pass and I'm still alone and single. I guess this same theme comes up every summer as I approach my birthday (August 19th) and know that this year I failed at my life's goal again. Of course it doesn't help that every time I go to a family function everybody asks me if I've got a girlfriend yet. I want to scream at them: "Of course I haven't got a girlfriend! It's the same answer that you got when you asked when I turned 13 and it's the same answer you'll get when I turn 22!"
I guess I don't feel that I can get on with my life and pursue other goals until I loose my purity (yes virginity, but virginity sounds so ugly, purity makes it seem like I've had a choice in the matter). I know it's bad to say this, but I don't think I can ever measure up to another person until I've had a relationship. Deep down I'll always feel inferior to everybody until I've had a connection with somebody else.
So that's what it boils down to, I can never be in a relationship until I get more confident, and I can never be any more confident until I've been in a relationship. I know that shows that there is something seriously wrong with the way I view the world, but for the first time, even in this blog, I am being truly honest with myself.
For what's it's worth, and this is just trying to justify all my failed attempts at relationships, I can pretend to be self confident. I can put on a mask and pretend that I don't feel like I don't measure up to the rest of the world. I think I wear that mask fairly well, and every time I fail on an attempt at a a relationship, I think back on the whole experience and pick out what I did wrong, so I can fix it next time. Dating and relationships have been more of an academic pursuit for me than an emotional journey ever since the end of high school. In high school, I think I was just too naive to realize that I was making all these mistakes. This is rambling, the point is, I can pretend to be confident long enough not to make a horrible first impression.
And one more thing before I end this very long post, I do judge people. The line about that girl being "semi-attractive if overweight" is how I felt about her. Coming from me, that's the best I've felt about a girl that I thought was obtainable since high school.
So this rant didn't resolve anything, but it did bring to light some of my biggest character flaws. So much for self confidence.
August 07, 2007
What's worse, I can't attribute my loneliness to lack of trying. I am out there looking for girls. I'm only 21, but I post a personal add every two weeks and I check three regions of craigs list's personal adds and missed connections twice a day.
Like last week, I replied to a personal add and I got a date. It was just coffee but it was fun. The girl seemed normal and smart and semi-attractive if overweight. I asked for a second date through e-mail yesterday afternoon and I still haven't received a response. I guess any girl that I can be attracted to can never be attracted to me.
There I go again living life in blacks and whites, but there's never been any gray areas for me. Life has always been good or bad, people have either been best friends or worst enemies. I'm not one for causual aquaintences. Ugh, who cares.
July 31, 2007
What am I supposed to do? If I say something to him I look like a whiny little bitch, if I don't I stew in my resentment and I start saying things that won't be forgiven.
July 20, 2007
July 15, 2007
You know that even in the depths of your whining monologue that somebody will come along again. And you know that when somebody new comes along you will again find some way to sabotage it.