The lonely rantings of a former looser trying to make it through life the best he can. Am I crazy? Maybe a little? Am I bad? I really don't think so. Maybe I'm just me and really that's all that people should expect.
May 30, 2009
May 27, 2009
May 24, 2009
May 23, 2009
May 21, 2009
May 20, 2009
May 18, 2009
May 15, 2009
May 14, 2009
The other weird thing is that I find myself crying at every little thing these days. Of course not in front of people but when I'm alone it's all I can do to keep myself from crying. Which by the way I never understood that phrase. What is all you can do? But I digressed. I just want to feel better. And I know this is kinda personal especially because mysterious not-so-strangers read my blog but in the midst of all this angst and depressed I find myself hyper-sexual. Of course it's unfulfilled hyper-sexuality but it's a weird symptom. Any ideas my faithful readers?
May 10, 2009

This is from PostSecret. My initial reaction was, no wonder my mom hates me so. It must have been hard for her to loose her little baby when I grew up. Then I realized my mom never wanted love from me, I was always a nuisance and no matter what I did I was never good enough. She was never proud of anything I did, and never encouraged me to do anything to make her proud. From the day I was born I was an embarrassment to her. I was never the popular one in school and she hated me for that. I was never good at sports and I don't think she cared, but growing up I always hoped that if somehow I was transformed into a sports star she might be proud of me.
Or the real situation after having 5 years away from her to distill my resentment: I reminded her of her lost love and she could never love me because every time she looked at me she was reminded of the man who could never love her. Or maybe she was just a looser stoner who had no time for her kids. I'm sure it's not that bad, but those are my secret resentments. I guess not so secret any more.
Happy Mother's Day.
May 07, 2009
You say I'm always there for a friend, of course I am. I'm constantly seeking approval. Doing stuff for people and being there in crisis is an easy fix for that. See I'm selfish for being there for people all the time because I'm just fulfilling my own emotional needs. And when I actually need a friend there are very few who are there for me in real life. Of course, it's not like I ever seek the other end of the friendship. It almost all circumstances I'd rather go hide for a while until my emotions are in check enough to function and then if anybody's interested I'll lie and say it's no big deal. It's just easier that way instead of hoping someone will care about my problems and being disappointed. And then if they do, I'd rather not spill all my problems to anyone because nobody cares. But I understand why nobody cares and I feel no resentment for them.
Or at least I can distill all my emotions into a little vial of suppression and hide it behind the routine of daily life.
May 06, 2009
Today I sat down to type an entry about how God has abandoned me right after he shows me his light and then I read that last comment and somehow it made me feel a little better. Or at least a little less bitter.
Still, I grasp at straws. Every girl (and for whatever reason I still cannot say woman when talking about potential relationships) that looks at me twice or smiles at me or spends few minutes talking to me is my potential happily ever after. You're right, maybe I'll spend so much time looking for it that I won't see it when it slaps me in the face.
Still I get nowhere and I'm left alone.
I'm sorry.