It's so my easier to write here. I've been writing here for so long it feels like home. I know when I'm writing here, I'm writing to my future self. I know that this time next year or maybe later this year or 5 years from now, I'll come back and read this and see where I've come from. With my paper journals, it's weirder. It's more permanent. When I die, I know when people go through my stuff they'll read my journal. When I die, I don't know if anyone will bother to read this. Maybe that's why I should get this web address tattooed on my body somewhere. Of course I know nobody reads this anymore. That doesn't matter because I read this. This is what this is for. For me. A written journal is for everyone else. It's the record of me after I die. Sigh.
I guess without any further drunken rambling, here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2013. I vow that in a year from now, I'll read these again and write something more.
- Stay off of all drugs.
- After my current supply is consumed, quit alcohol completely.
- Maintain and improve my relationships with my family.
- Maintain and improve my relationships with my current friends.
- Make at least one new friend.
- Get a job.
- Get my license back.
- Get a car.
- Move into my own apartment.
- In all things, be true to my new found self.