September 03, 2009

For what its worth, my random Austrailian reader, you've been helping a lot. Good luck w/ economics.


Unknown said...

dear companion, i feel that i should provide some insightful new food for thought to enable you to be better off in your day to day life. and just as i finished my full stop after life, i realized what that was. All you are and all you ever are, is the thoughts running through your brain right now. This leaves me with plenty of opportunity to preach about weed being bad, blah blah blah and changing brain chemistry blah blah blah... but you already know that, so why would i waste the precious energy i just obtained from drinking my equally as precious jim beam preaching. Here's some serious food for thought and i hope that you eat it.. WTF.. eat it.. good one aiden.. ANYWAY. When we fail at something we assume that out future happiness is compromised.. correct? so why compromise our current happiness wandering about our future happiness. Think about it, hypothetically say you did everything to plan and sacrificed your current happiness for your future happiness. following? and then some random dude kicks you in the nuts, (literally, hypothetically, who gives a fuck). You literally wasted a part of your life securing your future happiness that turned out to be was a sham therefor your life is worse off x2!!

if you have no idea what im talking about thats fine.. and hope you have a wonderful weekened,


Unknown said...

please note that i am sending the majority of these msgs at 4am Australian eastern time.. LOVE INSOMNIA DUE TO DRUG AMUSE!! FUCCCK YEAA!!