The lonely rantings of a former looser trying to make it through life the best he can. Am I crazy? Maybe a little? Am I bad? I really don't think so. Maybe I'm just me and really that's all that people should expect.
December 06, 2008
But I was sitting here in an empty apartment and I started crying and I couldn't figure out why. I tried thinking about different things to see if I could provoke the crying. I didn't miss A, I didn't miss the roommates, I kinda missed M, but that's another story. I think the best I came up with was needing a hug, but that would be have been the solution to the crying, not the cause of it.
But I just wanted to get down this feeling for later: I am afraid of not being physically repulsive because I can't use it as a crutch any more.
December 01, 2008
November 27, 2008
I've decided that the key to not fighting with my family this Thanksgiving is to be my work self with my family. People seem to like me at work. I just have to be my witty, charming, professional-but-not-too-professional self. I do it for 8 hours a day at work, so why can't I do it for eight hours with my family. Maybe the work me has become the real me and the me that I revert to around family has become just a ghost of who I used to be. I try to fall back into that roll when I'm around them, but it doesn't work and it all comes out awkward. My work self, is just a mask that I put on for 8 hours to avoid open conflict. That's perfect! All I have to do is be the work me today and my family will like me more. It all seems so clear now, when it should be feeling foggy, ha ha ha.
November 10, 2008
But with the good comes the bad, I don't like this economic stimulus plan that Obama's trying to push through congress. We need to let the economy fix itself in the short term and adjust policies to fix it in the long term. Pumping money into the problem can't be the way out.
At least he's trying to repair our relationship with the world. He's going to close Guantanamo and attempt to send the prisoners to trial in America. Apparently that's more complicated than it sounds. He's going to create a quasi-civilian military tribunal so the prisoners have all the rights of an American citizen (which they may not deserve in the first place) and national security isn't compromised. This is a complicated issue to tackle first, and there's a big chance that he's going to fail. Then for the rest of his administration he'll have this big failure to overcome.
Oh he visited the White House, just the standard private meet and greet where the departing president imparts his wisdom on the incoming one. It's funny how quickly Obama flips from condemning the Bush administration to promoting bipartisanship. The Mrs' visited too. Michelle Obama and Laura Bush, they represent the one thing everyone has in common with the president. No matter what posistion in life we're in, we're still dealing with family.
Plus it gives America reassurance. Right now, we're full of optimism and eager for change, but there's always the part that wants everything to stay the same. That's what the first ladies represent. They represent that souvenir from home that we take with us on our way to college, the 2nd hand furniture from our childhood home that fills our first apartment, those hand me down holiday decorations that decorate our childhood homes that will decorates our children's homes too.
I don't really have a point here, but I have all these thoughts on all these issues and most people that I know either wouldn't know what I was talking about or wouldn't care.
What do you think?
November 05, 2008
November 04, 2008
October 30, 2008
I'm so excited. Election day is less than a week away. After four years of following the elections, from Barack Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention, to the clusterfuck to the Whitehouse that followed. From an assured Gulioni-Hillary general election, to John McCain's easy win in the primaries, to the historic democratic primaries. I remember being up at 2 or 3 am wandering the news sites when Joe Biden was announced as Obama's running mate. It was exiting, flipping on MSNBC, watching the early analysis as the sun came up. Seeing Joe Biden's first speech in front of the state house in Springfield, IL. I remember what a sense of security he brought to the ticket. Before Biden, I thought that Obama lacked some political capital and experience. But with Biden on the ticket, it doesn't matter. Of course I still think a Clinton/Obama ticket would have been best for everyone.
But on another note:
It really offends me when people say that they don't vote or aren't even registered. A lot of the people that I know don't care who the president is, I'm sure none of them could even name the secretary of state (Condeleza Rice) or the Speaker of the House (Nancy Pelosi). It's incomprehensible to me to think that most people are so uninvolved. How can you just not vote. How is it possible that they don't care about anything. I remember two years ago talking about Barack Obama. They asked who's Barack Obama? Who's Barack Obama?!? That was preposterous to me even back then.The people that don't vote have no right to complain about government, ever. They can't say that taxes are too high, or that we need better schools, because they had their one chance to change it all. With a the simple act of filling out a ballot they have their voice and they reject it. This is how the religious must feel when encountering an atheist. Most religious people simply cannot imagine not believing in God. And I can't imagining being so out of touch with the world that I wouldn't vote. So all three (to use a generous estimate) of my readers, I implore you vote. Please, it doesn't matter who you vote for or what you vote for, but please fill out a ballot, drop in off (if you're in Oregon.) Take five minutes out of your life to look at the voters pamphlet. Of course Oregon readers know to say no on Mandatory Minimum Sentencing and yes to limiting English as a Second Language classes to two years maximum.
So on that note, I depart. Happy Halloween everyone.
October 27, 2008
October 26, 2008
October 15, 2008
October 12, 2008
October 11, 2008
October 04, 2008
October 01, 2008
September 27, 2008
September 26, 2008
Today I muse on the fact that after a night of hanging out with friends and feeling like I fit in, I still wake up with the old insecurities: "Do they really like me or are they just being nice? Do I really fit in as well as I thought last I did last night? Am I still that insecure little 8th grader mistaking people being polite with people actually liking me? Will I wake up tomorrow with the adult equivalent of being taken to the counselor saying that I'm following them around?"
You'd think after all this time I'd be over it. Will these insecurities ever go away?
September 22, 2008
I woke up depressed today. That undefined sense of longing is back. I think it goes back to relationships. There was a couple weeks where I didn't want one, it's too much effort and not worth the pain of break up. I still want to feel that way, but it seems like I was around couples all weekend and they seem happy and I want that. It's not that I want it because it seems appealing, just because everyone else has one.
Another note, and this is more of a reminder to write about it later, it seems like the one constant in my life since I graduated high school is a cup of coffee and a cigarette staring out into the morning. From grandma's house right after high school, to selling magazine, to Job Corps and the actual job, I still wake up in the morning with a cup of black coffee and a cigarette. Just the little things in life I guess.
September 19, 2008
September 18, 2008
September 16, 2008
September 14, 2008
September 04, 2008
I just want to end this with a little story: A few weeks ago my roommates and I are sitting around in the only air conditioned room in the house smoking as we tend to do, Whitney's sitting there with the pipe in her hand and feels Josh (her baby) kick, I say "He's tell you to quit camping mom." We all have a good laugh, but that just shows what an amazing kid he would have been. . . . . . RIP little boy.
August 22, 2008
I've learned my lesson. I would never get that attached to a girl. Now whoever I end up with, I won't give a damn if they walk out on me, I will never ask them to stay, I will never beg for anyone back. It's not worth it. If they didn't like me enough to stay, then asking them, or begging them to come back will only make it worse.
August 06, 2008
To change the subject mid-sentence, I just deleted A from my Yahoo and Myspace lists, and out of my address book and off my phone. Right now I'm at the point where I'm desperately unsure of what I feel towards A. So unsure that I'm sure I don't want to explore it, but it will probably end with some revelation of how she used me or how unstable I really am.
Alas, I'm off to happier things .
August 04, 2008
August 01, 2008
What scares me is that I don't really feel attracted to anyone for the first time ever. I'm not sure if no one seems appealing, or that it just a relationship doesn't seem worth the effort. I'm sure I wouldn't say no to relationship at this point or a quick lay (well that's another topic) but I just don't think it'd work out. I still feel the sting of rejection from K, and apparently it was my fault. I don't even feel lonely, I'm just sad.
July 30, 2008
July 22, 2008
For all the reasons that I couldn't cry before I cried.
I cried because I'm going to be alone forever
Because nice guys really do finish last
Because my parents never loved me
Because I never loved them
I cried for lost love
For the big V
Given to the first who would take it
I cried because I'll never have it back
Fuck it, I don't know if there's a poem here
I cried because I finally felt overwhelmed
It finally felt okay to let it go
And I don't feel any better
I just feel like crying all the time
I don't want to stop
I want to crawl in bed and never leave
I want to relive that amazing day with M
When getting out of bed seemed like too much effort
When I was finally a normal person
When touch wasn't taboo
When love seemed possible
I cried because I gave it up
I couldn't love her
I promised
I told her I was different
I really believed it
I threw her away
Her drama was too much
I thought I could get better
I justified it by not giving false hope
I didn't say:
Let's be friends
I might love you some day
There's always a chance
I said:
We can never be
It's not you, it's me
I'm not ready for a relationship
I really did care
Mindless cliches lost in a broken heart
I thought I was different
I thought I was the nice guy
I was going to make it all better for her
I'm sorry
I miss what we could have had
Or maybe:
I just miss sex
I'm not the nice guy
Just a different method
To the same goal
Maybe I'm just another animal in search of satisfaction
I don't think so
I'm sorry
July 21, 2008
All that and I still feel depressed over a god damned dream. Why can't we be more than friends? Because I knew that when I started the nice guy bit that it wouldn't get me anywhere. I thought that any attention from a girl was better than none, and I still kinda feel that way. Even if she is using me, at least she's talking to me. But now I realize that this is doomed to be unhappy. Like I've always said, I just want someone to hold. . . is that really so much to ask of the universe?
July 18, 2008
If the latter were the case, then she'd have to be malicious in her intents towards me. She would being all this on purpose. Maybe it's the optimist in me, or maybe the part of me that refuses to believe that anyone is ever bad, but I don't think she'd be doing this on purpose.
All these little signs from her that I grasp at are just gestures of friendship, I know it. I just want so much more than that, I want everything she wants out of a relationship but I think we're some how too different for it to ever work out. Just mindless excuses.
Then there's the part of me that hopes that she gets her heart broken by the guy that she's currently pursuing (the fact that she even tells me that shows how deep I am in the Friend Zone) and that I'm there to either pick up the pieces of her broken heart and make her better again, or to grind them into the ground so deep that she never loves again.
July 13, 2008
Of course they do. There are a million reasons why they finish last, try googleing the Ladder Theory. The trouble is, I don't know how to stop being the nice guy. Or maybe I do, but I just don't want to because that is who I really am. I just really like K, and I know being the nice supportive friend to her will get me nowhere. Past experience has more than taught me that . . . I don't know. I don't know why I'm letting myself get attached to someone that will never have me. I'm just setting myself up to get hurt and I've been hurt on and off since she came around. I'm full of all the cliches: we have such a deep connection, she's already told me that I'm a "great guy" and she called me "buddy", and I was the one that ran across town last night just to drop off something that she left here (she was baby sitting) and even though she gave me a quick hug I know when I'm in the friend zone. Still there's the part of me that can't help but hope, I don't know why I can't kill hope no matter how hard I try.
July 06, 2008
July 05, 2008
July 02, 2008
June 18, 2008
June 17, 2008
June 16, 2008
This might be because I'm still mildly hung over, but that seems like a significant dream. Especially the day after Father's day. Like it was a gift from my dead father telling me that he really did try to be my savior, or at least he wanted to.
May 24, 2008
"Love in any sense means complete acceptance of an other's faults. It means seeing somebody at their worst and loving them not despite it, but because of it. "
This is from my Aug 26, 2007 entry, right in the middle of the perpetual loneliness thing that I'm moving back into. Talking to Jamie today I realized that though A insisted differently, I really was in love.
Here is Jamie's definition of love:
Caa: You just know. You think of losing them and you want to hug them close and not let go ever and you get so scared that you end up clinging on too tight. that's how u know
Or maybe I wasn't. Maybe I knew it so well on an intellectual level that I knew exactly how I was supposed to feel and I felt it. It's like taking a drug for the first time after reading a big article on it first. How are you supposed to know what was really the affect of the drug and what was placebo affect. Wow, that's hilarious. I had placebo love for A. It really does make things seem less bleak. Sure it may be another 12 years before I find anything close to love again, but at least I know that was I lost wasn't my first love, just the closest I've ever come to it.
May 09, 2008
May 03, 2008
May 02, 2008
April 28, 2008
April 25, 2008
This rant comes from the fact that I was having the obligatory civil conversation with my ex while working next to her at work, and as soon as I get a call she turns around and tells her friend how she called her fuck buddy (she didn't say that, she used his name) the night before and told him to come over, she needed some company. I know, a month out of a two month relationship I shouldn't care, but I would be just as disgusted if anybody told me that. I'm not a puritan, or even conservative, but sex is so emotional, that it shouldn't be just some physical need to be satisfied. That's what you have yourself for. Ugh, this entry didn't quite turn out like I thought it would and this may be deleted, but for now that's what I have on Sex.
April 16, 2008
I still miss my ex. She was my first serious girlfriend and I thought I could forget about her just by falling back into my old habits, but it's just not working. She changed something in me so deeply that sitting around and smoking weed for the rest of my life finally seems pointless. I'm trying to replace her with another girl, but I'm just not attracted to her like I was to my ex. I'll be sitting on the couch with this new girl and then for no reason I just can't help but think about my ex. I know it's my fault that it ended, I just couldn't trust her. And to be honest, if it came down to that ultimatum again, I would still tell her that I would rather her not hang out with her ex-fuck buddy. And I guess that's where I have to draw my comfort, in the end . . I was right. But that still doesn't help me forget her when I'm sitting on the couch with the new girl. It seems that no matter what I do, I always remember all the good times that we had together. They told me it would get easier, and maybe it has, but it's just like quitting cigarettes: the pain goes away after the first few days, but the desire never does. I guess like death, there's nothing you can do about so why think about it, right?
And a quick PS to the anonymous commenter from my last post. . . if you ever read this again, send me an e-mail, you seem intriguing.
April 11, 2008
It seems to me that once you're in a relationship you should give up all contact with your exes no matter if they're your "friends" or not, even if it just to make your current bf/gf feel better. It seems like if you really cared about the person you're currently with you'd never, never do anything that would give them real reason to doubt.
And another thing while I'm on the subject of relationships . . . . Why has everybody that I've talked to had a fuck buddy? It's all the good parts of a relationship but none of the bad. This relationship seems pretty ideal and I don't know why I'm missing out on it. I don't know, maybe I'm just tired
April 07, 2008
March 11, 2008
A month and a half Later . . .
The only reason I'm publishing these half thoughts, is because I have a delusion of someday being famous and this blog will be the chronical of my assent to greatness or my slow, painful decent into madness. At this point, I really don't know.
February 12, 2008
January 24, 2008
January 22, 2008
January 19, 2008
Later . . . .
I don't even want to read this half thought. It's unhealthy how much I obsesses over this relationship when she has so obviously moved on.
January 07, 2008
That I was too afraid
To do it.
Now I'm not so sure.
I have a plan.
It won't be much of
Of a Mess.
People will miss me
They'll get over it.
I used to blame it
On the girls
Who said No.
It's all my fault.
I'm the one who chose
It's becoming
I can't spend
Another weekend
Staring at the walls.
Praying to a God
Who can't exist.
Somebody call me
I just want to talk
Sleep gives me relief
What would it be like
To Never wake up?
January 05, 2008
"Loneliness and sexuality are deeply related. Far from being simply bodily functions or “cravings of the flesh” our sexual natures are tied to the inexplicable longing to be with someone else. This is why the antidote to the poison of loneliness manifests in such crass expressions as “hooking up” and “making out” and “getting laid.” At least with girls and boys sex is the most obvious way people can be “part of each other” though this is seen with boys and boys and girls and girls as well.
The decisive issue in all of this is the state of being known. While being with another is fundamentally important it is not the key to feeling recognized. Recognition is at the heart of the matter, being seen, understood, accepted, and loved without the constraints of arbitrary conditions. This is what the human heart longs for in its search for companionship. "
Okay, this is me again. These paragraphs make loneliness seem so quaint. They say all that you have to do to end loneliness is get laid. How easy that sounds. But there is something fundamentally wrong with me. You know, I responded to a personal ad, and the girl actually said that she didn't want to talk to me because she wasn't attracted to me. The polite thing would have been to just not reply, but know, she had to rub it in my face that I'm fat and ugly! At least I'm not crying any more, so I think I'll try to sleep, maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and I won't be alone.
Three months later . . . .
I really understand those passages now. It's weird reading my reaction then and my reaction now. Loneliness was so intense back then, it was raw and uncorrupted by love. Now my loneliness feels more like resignation than a desperate need to feel what everyone has already felt. Maybe that's it. Before, I just wanted a relationship because everyone else has had one and I didn't want to feel left out. I wasn't prepared for the emotions, and they were all new emotions that I never knew existed. Right now I'm just afraid I will never feel those emotions again. I still want a relationship as bad as ever, just now for different reasons.
I know my writing's been boring lately, but does anybody even read this any more? I'm not sure what keeps me writing except for the vague hope that someday I might be famous for something and this will document my decent into madness or assent to greatness. Or maybe I'm not destined for something more. Here's hoping that your weekend is better than mine.
January 02, 2008
- Quit smoking weed long enough to find another job
- Quit Smoking cigarettes
- Loose 100 lbs, that will get me close to where I want to be
- Move to Eugene to start over again, who knows, make the grass really is greener (ha ha, I made a pun)
I know I will probably fail at all of those. This time next year I'll be writing an entry about how much it sucks to spend another New Years alone. I'll be another 50 lbs heavier dreaming about how good it felt to be 300 lbs. But who knows, I might find the motivation somewhere to achieve these goals. The question that I keep asking myself is this: Do I really want to start all over? Is change okay for the sake of change? Maybe I should get this life together before I try to find another one. I don't know, but I am running late for work, so Happy Fucking New Year!