March 13, 2009

Somebody comment!!! It's been over two months since anybody has commented on this. I swear my life is getting interesting. The Mh thing heats up and cools down, relational osmosis? I want something more, she doesn't. Happily ever after is forever beyond my grasp, somebody, please, tell me it's going to be okay. That's all I want. The same thing I give to anybody that's stressed out, I just want somebody to tell me "it's going to be okay" and no telling myself that is not enough, for whatever disturbed reason, I'm not good enough to judge if something will all be okay. Ugh. Somebody please though, just say hi here. You'll make the day of a lonely stoner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whether you believe in God or not, below is a link to a church in Albany by Knox Butte. They offer free adult classes that focus on forgiveness and setting yourself free from past life experiences that keep you from truly living your life to the fullest. I have read your blog for years now and feel you need to forgive yourself as well as others as it is holding you back from loving yourself. The old saying that until you can love yourself, no one can love you back in the way you deserve may sound trite but is the truth. Understand forgiveness is not all about the person you need to forgive as they may not deserve it. it's about you being set free from the bonds that hold you there in those spots that crush your spirit. Besides what do you have to lose at this point, if it is not for you, since it's free you have only wasted your time, which is what you are doing now anyways. I have been there. The people at the church will not judge you and most have been exactly where you are now, so they really know what you are going through and how to break the cycle. You deserve happiness, please do not let those people who have let you down in life continue to ruin it. Take charge. I know Donna who holds the classes and this is where you need to be. I've been right where you are now and the most difficult part was accepting I needed some help and making the phone call. I felt if there was a God, even he must not love me because he let me go through all this despair and never heard my cries. Now I know he did hear me only I was not listening, I was too busy being mad at the world. So please take today in completely sober, be quiet within yourself and just listen, trust your heart. I already know he hears you and me because you asked for comments and today I needed to remember how much he loves me. You are not just a cog in the system!
Steps to Freedom
Steps to Freedom is a six week class offered periodically throughout the year, and also on an individual basis through our Pastoral Care department. Neil Anderson is the author of the material we use along with his book, The Bondage Breaker.
In Steps to Freedom, participants learn how to break free from old habits, past failures, self-defeating lies, and other negative issues.
For additional information contact:
Donna Dluehosh