September 23, 2009

Doing something that I've always found morally objectionable is . . . exciting.
I've been having psychic flashes all day. I guessed a csm's middle initial on a call, and I perceived a place before I went there. Too much to be coincidence.
I always thought I was seeking approval, but what I'm really seeking is love.

September 19, 2009

Is seems dangerous to put God above country. What do you think?

September 18, 2009 is incredibly entertainiing and it's updated constantly. Oh and Boise State might loose tonight, GO FRESNO!!!!!

September 14, 2009

I compared Jesus to Charles Manson while talking to my counseler. She's Christian and I told her that I feel the path to God is definatly not through Jesus.

September 13, 2009

And yet sometimes weed Does make things better.

September 12, 2009

So does weed make everything better? Right now it's debatable but it usually does. I'm just feeling sd but not quite lonely yet. Is that better than lonely?
So I'm bored and really lonely. I realized kinda too late that I don't have any friends left. Let's see if weed will make it any better. I hope so.

September 10, 2009

I have not made or received a call or text in over 48 hours. God I'm lonely.

September 07, 2009

Why are the republicans fighting Obama's back to school speach? I mean, c'mon, HE'S TRYING TO KEEP KIDS FROM DROPPING OUT OF SCHOOL! Give him a break.

September 05, 2009

I feel so lonely that I just want to be alone. Weird.

September 03, 2009

For what its worth, my random Austrailian reader, you've been helping a lot. Good luck w/ economics.
Its fuuny though, I'm being used for money and I use others for emotional support until they just don't care anymore. Which is worse?
The friends that still talk to me are trying to use me to the last drop, the ones that don't are the ones I've already done that to.

September 02, 2009

The dream was about my worst fears over confronting my past are completely unfounded.
I worry way too much to enjoy life. I say life is too short, then why am I wasting so much of it worrying about how short and unfair iti is?
Not much of a distinction, but I like to think that my motives have always been pure even if noone else believes me. Thank you for reading though, really.
What's sad is that even at 8 the person I hated most was me. And most of the time I don't hate myself, I just have less respect for me than anybody else.
What's sad is that even at 8 the person I hated most was me. And most of the time I don't hate myself, I just have less respect for me than anybody else.
So yeah I failed already. Did anyone really expect anything different? That was a good point, what if weed is bad? Its something interesting to think about.