September 03, 2009

The friends that still talk to me are trying to use me to the last drop, the ones that don't are the ones I've already done that to.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

don't let those friends cause you to develop trust issues that prevent you from finding genuine friends.. wait.. i already know that has happened to you and me.. what a fucked up world we live in..

p.s while lying in my bed dealing with my weed developed insomnia, i realised that i had made a huge mistake in my business economics exam today. Is weed the reason i couldn't realise that price was acutally the Y axis while quantity was the X axis.. do i blame weed or my self, am i positive you've had the same thoughts except non economic related.. hmmm yes..

oh my dear lord the realisation of failing a university unit just kicked me in the fucking head..

how rude of me to ramble on about myself, on your blog. I can no longer provide insightful optimistic advice due to recent circumstances, i am dearly sorry,
