November 18, 2011


Manny (external manifestation of internal strife) is just part of the game. If I want to play, if I want the dopamine rush that cannot be beat, then Manny is a part of it.  And maybe I'm not mature enough to handle TWMNBN (That Which Must Not be Named), the Voldemort of the world in which I choose to dwell.  Maybe I'm the Ron instead of the Harry, maybe I'm even the Neville, but I can't resist.  There is a point is where everything is just more fun and nothing can go wrong, where there is no down to the up, the perfect Yang symbol.  Then at some point, in order for the universe to exist, the Yin must come into play.  Down must come with the up, always.  As much as you would love to exist entetirely in the Yang, you can't.  Ever.  So today I deal with the Yin, the light in my beloved darkness.  I knew it was coming, it always did, and I had fun.  That's always the rationalization. 

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