June 27, 2012

7 years with no memories of a person when there should have been a lot of them seems kind of scary.  Was I abused?  Maybe.  My assignment is the pros and cons of finding out what I'm trying to forget. 

The Cons:
Even the realization that I had a block of memories put me on a lapse.
Would knowing the truth change anything about who I am now?
It would probably just make me more damaged that I already am.
I can always deal with it later.
I have bigger issues to deal with right now.

I will have to deal with it eventually, why not now?
You can't fix a problem until you know what caused it.
Actually, maybe that's not true.
You wake up one morning to find that your window's broken, does it matter how it broke, you just have to replace the glass and move on.
If this person abused me, then maybe this person will abuse other people in the future.

I don't know.  Probably not the best thing to do right now.  I think today I'm going to talk about what the next steps are.  I have to make it to 60 days before things will even start to be easier.  You tube showed me that I'm not alone.  Everything that I'm going through all addicts go through.  My question: why do I have all these issues with it and nobody else seems to?

June 19, 2012

12 days! 12 days! 12 days!

I want to celibrate!  I woke up feeling amazing.  Manny is having he death throws right now and soon he will be an unpleasent memory of all that was wrong with using.  It's not quite a beauiful day out yet, but damn it I'm alive! 

June 18, 2012

11 days clean!

11 days.  This time I'm in counseling and I'm really, really, really trying to make everything better.  Not all better.  I know there's no such things as making things like they were before this journey started.  I don't want to be where I was before, where I was before wasn't all that great.  I'm doing everything I'm supposed to and the first week was amazing.  I knew what it was like to want to quit.  I'm not going to fail this time, I refuse to get back into the same old cycle.  Not anymore.  I know I've said this before, but now when I want to use again, I think about the Hell of using and I want to use a little less. 

I'm trying to do this for myself, but it seems that most of the time I'm doing to get back the family and friend that I've lost to this.  Maybe I never really lost the good friends, but they took a step back from me to protect themselves and I understand that.  When I make it to 30 days I'm going to go back and reconnect.  Marlee of course has always been there, through everything, despite my Ferris Beuhler rule that made me push her away when I could have had her.  Suzan and Sarah and Coleman and if I can manage it, Mehgan and Richard are those friends that were SO much fun.  I know I make a policy to never mention names here, but I figure for once, it's positive, so I'm okay with that. Of course I did mention Kandi and Thor when I was still fuming about getting fired from Assurant. 

Anyway, my next mile stone is 3 weeks. I've gotten to 3 weeks at least 3 or 4 times in the past, but I never made it past that, this time is different.  It's going to be hard, hell it's been hard, but I will make it through it this time.  I know it.

June 11, 2012


Either path I choose, I disappoint someone.  On one hand, my family who's always been there for me and always will be.  On the other, my friends, who may just be using me for my money.  Of course my family may just be using me for my money too.  They're only nice to me when they want something.  I think I should do what I've been told, finally make a decision for myself.  It should be black and white, but it isn't.  To follow the path of independence my lead to deeper dependence, to follow the path of dependence may lead to independence.  So dependence or independence shouldn't factor into my decision any more than who's using me should.  So what should factor into my decision?  What do I want?  I want to be who I was before, but I guess trying to be who I was isn't the right thing to do either.  So what is the right thing to do?!? Who knows.

June 04, 2012

Suicide Videos

For something as all consuming as life is, ending it is somehow anticlimatic.  I guess it would have to be, but you'd think death would be more . . . fantastic.  Not fantastic like a fireworks show, but more fantastic like the resurection of jesus.  Maybe relivent is the word I'm looking for.  I don't know, but for as much time as I spend thinking about it, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal.  So is this my suicide note?  Probably not.  I'm kinda too tired to finish this thought.  I don't know.  Maybe God will do my (and my family) a favor and let me die in my sleep.  Please God, if it is your will, let it be.  If it isn't, then grant me the strength to get through it.  Of course you probably don't exist anyway and I'm praying to nothing, but you HAVE to exist.  We feel the void in our coniousness and most people come up with the same answer: God.  So God, save me, help me, or fucking kill me already.  I'm done with this.  I don't even have my final out anymore.  Oh well, maybe I'll find one, let's hope so.  I'm publishing this unedited etc. etc.  Good bye.  Gabbi, Ally, I love you, but the pain will be temporary, better to have a lot of pain now then to see me find my rock bottom and keep on digging. 

June 03, 2012

Sometimes . . .

I wish I had the courage to end it all.  I really do.  If only, life would be better for all.  I'm so selfish to keep going.  I just ruined a birthday party, please, I wish someone would kill me and finally ease the burden on everyone else around me.  Alas, despite my most desperate wishes, I'm still here.  Why?