June 11, 2012


Either path I choose, I disappoint someone.  On one hand, my family who's always been there for me and always will be.  On the other, my friends, who may just be using me for my money.  Of course my family may just be using me for my money too.  They're only nice to me when they want something.  I think I should do what I've been told, finally make a decision for myself.  It should be black and white, but it isn't.  To follow the path of independence my lead to deeper dependence, to follow the path of dependence may lead to independence.  So dependence or independence shouldn't factor into my decision any more than who's using me should.  So what should factor into my decision?  What do I want?  I want to be who I was before, but I guess trying to be who I was isn't the right thing to do either.  So what is the right thing to do?!? Who knows.

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