June 17, 2008

I am so pissed right now for no apparent reason. On the surface it's because my supervisor is useless and won't do her job, but I shouldn't be this angry over something like that. I just broke up with M (hence the two week absence of blog entries.) But that ended as civilly as it could have and it was my idea to end it. She wanted to move in after two weeks of dating (the idea came up less than a week into dating) and I couldn't do that. Plus all her fucked up drama with her "borderline personality disorder" and worse. I'm normally a fairly patient guy, I'm good with kids and customers, but with her I couldn't stand her long boring stories about nothing and she told the same stories over and over again. And yet, when I was away from her I missed her. Of course that only lasted until through the first five minutes of being around her. And she was such an annoying drunk. I had a few beers and I was just getting ready to get drunk and she was already staggeringly drunk, but you could tell most of it was an act. Of course she didn't act that normal when she was sober either. Really at this point, I don't even want a relationship. Not because I'm heart broken, but because I'm disillusioned. Two failed relationships in 6 months . . . I know I'm not the most persistent of people, and I'm not ready to give up on relationships, I just don't feel like pursuing them too actively at the moment. Wow, some of the anger has gone away, I think this might be some misplaced anger. Alas, I'm off to find something to do, anything really.

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