November 10, 2008

Wow, let's look at this first week after the election, hasn't it been exciting? Rahm Emanuel (lol, I actually spent time memorizing his name so I could use it in casual conversation) as chief of staff was a great choice, he was Clinton's senior political advisor for 5 years and once told the British prime minister "Don't fuck this up, it's important." And how can you go wrong with a real life Josh Lyman from The West Wing? And his brother is the real life Ari (Entourage.)

But with the good comes the bad, I don't like this economic stimulus plan that Obama's trying to push through congress. We need to let the economy fix itself in the short term and adjust policies to fix it in the long term. Pumping money into the problem can't be the way out.

At least he's trying to repair our relationship with the world. He's going to close Guantanamo and attempt to send the prisoners to trial in America. Apparently that's more complicated than it sounds. He's going to create a quasi-civilian military tribunal so the prisoners have all the rights of an American citizen (which they may not deserve in the first place) and national security isn't compromised. This is a complicated issue to tackle first, and there's a big chance that he's going to fail. Then for the rest of his administration he'll have this big failure to overcome.

Oh he visited the White House, just the standard private meet and greet where the departing president imparts his wisdom on the incoming one. It's funny how quickly Obama flips from condemning the Bush administration to promoting bipartisanship. The Mrs' visited too. Michelle Obama and Laura Bush, they represent the one thing everyone has in common with the president. No matter what posistion in life we're in, we're still dealing with family.

Plus it gives America reassurance. Right now, we're full of optimism and eager for change, but there's always the part that wants everything to stay the same. That's what the first ladies represent. They represent that souvenir from home that we take with us on our way to college, the 2nd hand furniture from our childhood home that fills our first apartment, those hand me down holiday decorations that decorate our childhood homes that will decorates our children's homes too.

I don't really have a point here, but I have all these thoughts on all these issues and most people that I know either wouldn't know what I was talking about or wouldn't care.

What do you think?

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