August 29, 2009

I had a dream last night that made me ask myself a question. Had M been better looking, would she have seemed so crazy? Sadly, no.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All though i am meant to be slowly working through a diabolical management essay atm i find myself reading the blog posts of someone disturbingly similar to myself and i therefore feel that i have to put my 10 cents in. The magical solution to removing the pain that both comforts you and leaves you feeling worthless is FAITH. Not religious faith, but having faith in that happiness is actually out there. I am, as you could say a self pitying, self conscious, self destructive, self bullying weed junky. You just have to quit weed and deal with the mood swings, the intense rage, the insomnia, the 4 am tears, the doubt and the emptiness. This probably wont help you at all, infact i know it wont, there is nothing that can help people like us. peace.