September 08, 2010

Oh faithful readers! It's been over a week since I've been kissed, and there was more, but it's the kisses that I miss. Call be girly, call me gay, call me what you will, but there's nothing like holding a girl in your arms and knowing that you're making life just a little happier for them. And yeah I should be happy when I do that for anyone, but the physical contact is what I crave. And maybe I crave it more than I should. I just really want to make somebody else's life a little better for just a moment because they are with me. And over the past couple weeks I've forgotten that. It's been all about me, all about what I want, and what I need. I've been selfish. What I need to remember over the next couple of days or weeks, no matter who I'm with or who I'm talking to, whether it be a customer or a friend or a lover, my mission in life is to make their life just a little bit better because they are with me. When I loose that mission, that's when I get selfish and push people away.

Once again blog, you have made things clear in a way that real life can never make it. I just hope I can remember this one. Goodnight world and thank you!

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