January 20, 2011

So it's been a while and life's been . . . well life. A new girl, a new obsession, another chance at utter and complete failure. Friends are still being friends, and I really do have amazing friends, but sometimes I can't be the friend that I want to be because I want so much more from the relationship. Alas, thanks to friends, I now know that I can't really change those feelings, but I need to try. Oh, and I'm unemployed again and succumbing, not so slowly to alcoholism. What's funny is that I'm more concerned about the girl situation than I am about my own. Actually, that's not really funny, it's probably pretty unhealthy. I mean, I'm sitting here at the unemployment office, I've filled out a grand total of one application this week and I'm still thinking about Sarah? *sigh*


Anonymous said...

I came across you blog. After reading a few entries it is so obvious that you are in much pain, darkness, and bitter anger at the world. I truly recommend that you seek some professional help. This self-indulgent path to destruction will lead you no where but ongoing sadness. Please reach out for both professional and personal help. You can turn your life around if you really want to but I don't think you can do it on your own. Please get help. I am sure there are resources for psychological help in your area. Reach out to those who care about you. The path you are on is sad, scary and a potential danger to yourself and others. Wishing you only the best in getting better

Anonymous said...

Universal truth - you can’t change your past. What happened in your past could very well be horrible, but leave it in the past and move on. Approach your life NOW as an adult. It’s up to you to make the choices from this moment forward to have the life you want. And the life you’ve chosen to live over the past 5 years (by your own admission in your posts) is as an unhappy, overweight, unattractive, addicted & socially inept person.

TODAY is your choice and you’re choosing to be miserable. You’ve posted that you started this blog to document your rise to fame or decent into madness. It’s obvious from your posts that you’re not going mad and you’re doing absolutely nothing to become famous. It’s time to change your blog.

If you truly feel suicidal seek professional help, AND MAKE CONSISTENT USE OF THE HELP. Stop drinking and doing drugs, these are depressants and will contribute to your problem. To be successful seek drug and alcohol counseling. Join a depression support group.

If you are overweight start a diet and exercise plan. To be successful work with your physician.

If you feel that you have crooked teeth then get braces.

If you feel socially inept then join a singles club and go to every weekly activity to practice social skills.

Find a way to make these changes in your life.