February 18, 2011

Is my blog dying? I hope not. Too many tears have been shed at too many computers for this to fizzle out. So much of what makes me, me is here. It's what's kept me writing since high school. And you know what, way too many of my posts here have been about blogs. So I'm gonna do a quick three minute free write about anything other than this blog.

Update . . . I'm now living with stable roommates in a not quite healthy environment where alcoholism socially acceptable and the dreaded "white dope" is everywhere. Not that I would ever partake in the latter, but most days, I'm drinking well before noon. I know what everyone will say. You're an alcoholic. All I have to say to you is . . . DUH! Of course I'm an alcoholic. But considering everything else that I could be, isn't alcoholic fairly mild. I mean if it was good enough for my father, it should be good enough for me. Maybe the reason I'm drawn so much towards alcohol is because that's a small connection to my father. Which considering I never met the guy, I shouldn't spend so much time thinking about him.

So now I'm going to attempt to find an interesting way to end this post. Fine then, I'll just end it how I want to end it. With something so important that it deserves it's own line.

I still miss Signal and I hate, I Hate, I HATE Kandi and Thor (previously known as KT).

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