December 11, 2012

Drinking to black out

Hi everyone.  I know it's been 3 months since I've posted anything.  Didn't realize it'd been that long.  To update everyone, I still haven't done Meth since last summer.  Today, I'm going to drink till I black out.  I can't post my drinking on Facebook anymore because Gabbi and Ally read it and think less of me.  I guess I could just not drink, but what's the fun in that.  I'm taking a mini shot every three minutes till I black out or the bottle's gone.  As of now I'm about 1/3 through the bottle and I'm not feeling very drunk.  A little fuzzy in the head, but that's it.  I'm still really bored and it's too rainy out to go for a walk.  I did have futurama on, but now it's over and I'm bored.  Too bored in fact to finish this bottle.  Who cares if I drink it all or not.  It's not as if I'm going for a victory or anything.  Okay, so maybe I'm not drinking till I black out this time.  Or at the very least it's time for a cigarette.  After this shot, lol.

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