July 06, 2013

A promise made . . . will it be kept?

I have no idea.  I just promised my best friend that I wouldn't drink for an entire month.  Riding on this is me going out for my once a year hurrah and basically my entire friendship with Sarah.  I don't know if I have the balls to pull this one off.  I LOVE drinking so much, but if it means that much to my best friend then I know I can do it.  Still, I have 2/3 of a bottle of 151 left to drink.  I'm taking a shot every five minutes till it's gone or I pass out.  I quit Meth, but only because Manny became too much of a bitch to deal with, does that mean I can quit alcohol and only use it in moderation after I'm done quitting?  I don't know, but I do know it's time for another shot.  I've already drank more 151 than most people can handle, and I'm still going, Shit, I have to piss, lol.

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