December 30, 2012

My New Year's Resolutions

Okay world, it's New Year's Resolution time.  It's been a hell of a year.  Unemployed for the entire year, but each day growing into myself.  I'm 6 months clean as of Christmas day.  Manny is dead.  Really dead.  I take pills to keep him dead.  I'm drinking too much at the moment.  Actually as we speak I'm in the middle of an atomic power hour.  That's where you take a shot every 5 minutes until the bottle's gone or for an hour which ever comes first.

It's so my easier to write here.  I've been writing here for so long it feels like home.  I know when I'm writing here, I'm writing to my future self.  I know that this time next year or maybe later this year or 5 years from now, I'll come back and read this and see where I've come from.  With my paper journals, it's weirder.  It's more permanent.  When I die, I know when people go through my stuff they'll read my journal.  When I die, I don't know if anyone will bother to read this.  Maybe that's why I should get this web address tattooed on my body somewhere.  Of course I know nobody reads this anymore.  That doesn't matter because I read this.  This is what this is for.  For me.  A written journal is for everyone else.  It's the record of me after I die.  Sigh. 
I guess without any further drunken rambling, here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2013.  I vow that in a year from now, I'll read these again and write something more.

  1. Stay off of all drugs.
  2. After my current supply is consumed, quit alcohol completely.
  3. Maintain and improve my relationships with my family.
  4. Maintain and improve my relationships with my current friends.
  5. Make at least one new friend.
  6. Get a job.
  7. Get my license back.
  8. Get a car.
  9. Move into my own apartment.
  10. In all things, be true to my new found self.


Anonymous said...

Glad manny is dead.

Anonymous said...

I get your list. Want that too!