March 11, 2006

Yey, only 14 more days! And they call me in, I'm so sick of kissing ass at this place just to get a job that I will never get. I do so much extra work, In ever say no to coming in, even though I haven't had a day off since LAST saturday, at this rate I won't get a day off 'till my vacation in 14 days, or14*8=10*8=80 + 4* 8=32 so 112 working hours. That's assuming I don't get a day off until disneyland, which at this point seems likely. I heard a nice little happy rumor yesterday though. The decision is in fact split between me and one other person, and my boss Carol wants to choose me, but they're getting other input at the moment. But somehow I don't care right now, I'm SOOO tired, they called me at 7:30 and I wentto bed last night around 3 or 4. Somehow 4 hrs of sleep at the most, is sadly inadaquite. I'm nodding off right now, but on the bright side, only 8 1/2 hrs left before I can go home and do laundry :D I think I'll take a nap now, ha ha. But right now I'm reallynot liking my job. Of course I could have said no,but the person making the final decision about the job called me personally, if I said "no" it would just look so bad. Goddamit, I'm so tired of waiting to here if I got the job or not, I know I probably didn't get it, but at least they can tell me so I don't work14 days in a row fearing that saying no would make me look bad. Well this is getting long and wine-y so Ishould stop. But think of it, 14 days from this verymoment, we will be on our way to cal-i-forn-i-a!

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