April 15, 2007

Awaken from a night of drinking with co-workers that saw many a thing go wrong. Personally, I don't think I did anything wrong. I was a little more social than usual, but I don't think I did anything horrendous. But I wake up and I'm still alone, and that is truly okay only because it has to be okay, it's one of those things that if they weren't okay, then they'd be unbearable. Really, still perpetually alone at 21, you'd think I'd give up, and I thought I did, and I think I will again. At some point I have to realize that the risk is no longer worth the reward. How many times do I have to be rejected, it's as if God himself hates me and wishes me to suffer.

And by the way, this thing with Cassie was just hugely disapointing, she had a fucking boyfriend. How fucked up is that? She didn't mention that to me, and by the time I learned that I was already obligated to stay overnight. So guess what I got to do? I got to sleep on the couch while Cassie and her boyfriend slept across that room (I thought they had a bedroom.) So I woke up before anybody and walked my way out of her life. It was great knowing her, and maybe I didn't take the opportunities that presented themselves, but I cannot know her without knowing her, so yeah it was a great run. But that's okay (again one of those things.)

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