October 21, 2007

I just saw Donnie Darko for the first time, and wow, what a disturbing and thought provoking movie. It's like, in order for him to die in the present, he hand to live a few more weeks so he could very indirectly cause his death. It's really hard to explain. But my reaction, without trying to explain it. I'm actually too stoned to write a good response, but it's scary. It's all about death and that's something that I try to avoid thinking about at all costs. In fact, in an effort not to let that little seed of panic into my mind an hour before bed, I'm going to talk about something else. As far as that blind date goes, it never happened. Even after I talked myself into going it fell through. Wow, it takes a real looser to get stood up on a blind date. And I know I wasn't stood up, but it still feels like getting rejected before the fact. Of course that's what I do to every girl that I meet. They're either, too good looking, too ugly, or just within the looks range that is willing to lower their standards to go out with me. I know that's a skewed logic, and putting into writing helped me realize just how skewed it is. Maybe I missed out on a lot of girls just because I thought they were out of my league. Who knows, maybe there is the one girl out there that will accept me for who I am, no despite, but because of my flaws. The one that will think my shyness is cute, my quirks are charming. I still hope she's out there somewhere. I know I won't judge on looks anymore, but I might have already passed up the one. Donnie Darko finds his one before he dies, as disturbed as he was, he found someone to love him for it. Plus Donnie Darko has one of those damsel in distress relationship. He save her from bullies and she looks to him for protection, they eventually grow to love each other from it. I don't know why, but there is something really appealing about a girl that is afraid and comes to me for comfort. It's like I have to be brave for her even if I don't feel it. When I'm alone the fear is allowed to take hold. What I'm trying to say is: I'm brave if somebody needs me to be brave. Maybe the damsel in distress (DID) appeals to me, because . . . I don't know why the DID appeals to me so much. It's like I want to make the pain go away, I want to save you from the pain that I can't save myself from. And that's it, I'll be brave for you and I'll make your pain go away, so maybe I can forget about my own. And who is this "you" that I'm referring to? I don't know, the girl of my dreams maybe, my co inhibitor for my most out there ideas. What I just spit out was a letter to my first and future girlfriend, that will be in my next post. I hope somebody reads it, just so I know I'm not as crazy as I fear I am.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Why are you so afraid to die? The worst that could happen is that there is simply nothing. And if that happened, you wouldn't even be around to care.
You don't strike me as an especially happy person, Jason. You have a lonely life, and yet the thing you fear most is losing it...

"perhaps it was she mild relief she felt-
the last gutted remnants of walls
collapse, and oh sweet truth
That fire can't live with nothing left to burn"

After a certain point you've been in so much pain that there's nothing left to feel and you're just a shell. I don't know what I mean by that in your life or in mine. But it was in my head and it helps to write it down.
Guys feel more manly when girls need them. Hence the reason my partner, who is needier of me than I am of him, feel like "the girl in this relationship".
You might not be a damsel, but ur a DID too- dude in distress. I feel like you are looking to this imaginary future partner to solve all of your problems. But seriously, I've said it before, you DON'T want a codependent partner. I'm just gonna use the word Jamie for all of the bad things I say in relation to girls from now on. A Jamie will try to help and fix you and end up burning you until there's nothing left.