April 28, 2008

Hey everyone. I don't have a lot of time to write before work, but I am too depressed to move at the moment. I don't know, I'm just down. There are plenty of reasons for it, but I just can't seem to get happy at the moment. Anyways, I'm off to work, hopefully seeing all those people who fake civility while they secretly hate me will make me feel a little better. Hope your day goes better than mine started out.

April 25, 2008

I have a good rant building up in me about Sex. I know I've been there before, but a physical relationship has changed my perspective on that too. Sex still seems dirty and private and intimate and special, I don't think it's something that should be taken or given lightly. The thought of just calling someone for a night of random sex seems fundamentally wrong. Sex should be special damn it!

This rant comes from the fact that I was having the obligatory civil conversation with my ex while working next to her at work, and as soon as I get a call she turns around and tells her friend how she called her fuck buddy (she didn't say that, she used his name) the night before and told him to come over, she needed some company. I know, a month out of a two month relationship I shouldn't care, but I would be just as disgusted if anybody told me that. I'm not a puritan, or even conservative, but sex is so emotional, that it shouldn't be just some physical need to be satisfied. That's what you have yourself for. Ugh, this entry didn't quite turn out like I thought it would and this may be deleted, but for now that's what I have on Sex.

April 16, 2008

An irrational confession:

I still miss my ex. She was my first serious girlfriend and I thought I could forget about her just by falling back into my old habits, but it's just not working. She changed something in me so deeply that sitting around and smoking weed for the rest of my life finally seems pointless. I'm trying to replace her with another girl, but I'm just not attracted to her like I was to my ex. I'll be sitting on the couch with this new girl and then for no reason I just can't help but think about my ex. I know it's my fault that it ended, I just couldn't trust her. And to be honest, if it came down to that ultimatum again, I would still tell her that I would rather her not hang out with her ex-fuck buddy. And I guess that's where I have to draw my comfort, in the end . . I was right. But that still doesn't help me forget her when I'm sitting on the couch with the new girl. It seems that no matter what I do, I always remember all the good times that we had together. They told me it would get easier, and maybe it has, but it's just like quitting cigarettes: the pain goes away after the first few days, but the desire never does. I guess like death, there's nothing you can do about so why think about it, right?

And a quick PS to the anonymous commenter from my last post. . . if you ever read this again, send me an e-mail, you seem intriguing.

April 11, 2008

So I've been looking more closely are real relationships and I've come to an unacceptable conclusion. There is no 100% loyalty . . . every relationship that I've seen has points of tension over past relationships. It always seems like the girl wants to talk to or hang out with their exes in one way or another, in my irrational opinion, this is completely unacceptable. TV had this right, girls can never be just friends with guys, to a guy a girl who is a friend is just a girl you haven't fucked yet. So based on that logic, every time your girlfriend hangs out with another guy who isn't already in a relationship there is the potential for cheating.

It seems to me that once you're in a relationship you should give up all contact with your exes no matter if they're your "friends" or not, even if it just to make your current bf/gf feel better. It seems like if you really cared about the person you're currently with you'd never, never do anything that would give them real reason to doubt.

And another thing while I'm on the subject of relationships . . . . Why has everybody that I've talked to had a fuck buddy? It's all the good parts of a relationship but none of the bad. This relationship seems pretty ideal and I don't know why I'm missing out on it. I don't know, maybe I'm just tired

April 07, 2008

So I'm back. For better or worse, this blog continues. I thought that once I had a girlfriend the would make sense, that I wouldn't need this anymore. Now that the relationship is over, and at least for the moment I've finally accepted that there's no going back, I am ready to write again. I don't know what I have left in me, but I know there's going to be a great entry on whether or not it is really better to have loved and lost. Right now, I'm not so sure. I know that it's a lot more complicated to have loved and lost than to have spent the past two months buried in a sack of weed. I guess there are some good memories, but they all seem to be tainted with questions. "What did I do wrong?" "What can I do to make it all better?" "Will it be another 22 years before I find someone like her?" Who knows, maybe those will go away and in a few months or years, I can look back on those memories and smile. I can't help but wonder if this is what my real father felt for my mother. I mean he left her when he heard of me, but what if he regretted it for the rest of his life and finally gave into the bottle? What if he became a social recluse because he couldn't deal with the pain of lost love. Or maybe I'm romanticizing this entire situation. I don't know. Alas, I'm off to work and it 9 long hours I'll be back and I'll get to hind within the womb of messy apartment and let the world go on around me as I let my problems drift away on a haze of smoke.