April 25, 2008

I have a good rant building up in me about Sex. I know I've been there before, but a physical relationship has changed my perspective on that too. Sex still seems dirty and private and intimate and special, I don't think it's something that should be taken or given lightly. The thought of just calling someone for a night of random sex seems fundamentally wrong. Sex should be special damn it!

This rant comes from the fact that I was having the obligatory civil conversation with my ex while working next to her at work, and as soon as I get a call she turns around and tells her friend how she called her fuck buddy (she didn't say that, she used his name) the night before and told him to come over, she needed some company. I know, a month out of a two month relationship I shouldn't care, but I would be just as disgusted if anybody told me that. I'm not a puritan, or even conservative, but sex is so emotional, that it shouldn't be just some physical need to be satisfied. That's what you have yourself for. Ugh, this entry didn't quite turn out like I thought it would and this may be deleted, but for now that's what I have on Sex.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Aw sweetie- usually it's only girls who feel this way haha. I may be calling on my break up with my ex a lot but it was my first serious one, so here goes...

One day, I txt him and go "whats up" and he texts back and says "busy. gf round 4 nyt."

I felt so sick. I don't know if it was about the sex or the idea of him with someone else, but it hurts so much, I know.

I have had meaningless, non-emotional sex for all of one time. It wasn't enjoyable- it was awkward, guilty and unpleasant, and I haven't seen him again- he used to be my best friend.

Meaningful sex, with M for example, is one of the most special things there is. It's not the sex A would have wanted. It's the hugging after. Sex can be good, can be great and can be dismally average, but cuddling afterwards is always pretty fantastic.