May 24, 2008

"Love in any sense means complete acceptance of an other's faults. It means seeing somebody at their worst and loving them not despite it, but because of it. "

This is from my Aug 26, 2007 entry, right in the middle of the perpetual loneliness thing that I'm moving back into. Talking to Jamie today I realized that though A insisted differently, I really was in love.

Here is Jamie's definition of love:

Caa: You just know. You think of losing them and you want to hug them close and not let go ever and you get so scared that you end up clinging on too tight. that's how u know

Or maybe I wasn't. Maybe I knew it so well on an intellectual level that I knew exactly how I was supposed to feel and I felt it. It's like taking a drug for the first time after reading a big article on it first. How are you supposed to know what was really the affect of the drug and what was placebo affect. Wow, that's hilarious. I had placebo love for A. It really does make things seem less bleak. Sure it may be another 12 years before I find anything close to love again, but at least I know that was I lost wasn't my first love, just the closest I've ever come to it.

May 09, 2008

So I'm stuck at my grandma's all weekend because I'm a good grandson and my grandpa's in the hospital, and out of nowhere A texts me and says she's lonely tonight and she regrets a lot of things like treating me like she did. To be honest, last night I cried again because I miss her so much. So like the dumb ass, love crazed idiot that I am . . . I tell her that I don't regret anything, I have no hard feelings towards her and that I still miss her. I just sent her that text and I really hope she doesn't tear my heart out again. The thought of getting back together with her fills me with so much hope and happiness, I just want to have someone to hold. So far she hasn't responded to the text and I sent it a few minutes ago, so ugh, I'm so nervous. I know she was just feeling rejected for some reason and wanted to know that somebody out there still likes her, that's what I gave her, I hope she doesn't hate me for it. . . 10 minutes later she still hasn't responded so yeah she probably does hate me and just wanted to start things out slow with some flirting. I don't know. And now she says she misses me too. I'm really reluctant to get my hopes up again. Getting my heart broken once was enough, but to think that it might all be better again, that's all I've wanted since we broke up. So is it worth it? What if she doesn't really want to get back together, she just misses me as a friend? See, my hopes are up all over again. I'll keep this posted.

May 03, 2008

Blah, now I'm depressed all over again. My roommate issue's been solved, I have food in the house, and then I read A's myspace entry about being in love with her new guy . . . and my mood plummets into nothing. I'm so depressed, all I want to do is crawl into a hole and let the world pass me by, but no, it's not that kind of depression. I'm lonely. When all the weed is smoked and all the money spent, all I'm left with is lonely. And lonely I am, my God! I did not miss this feeling at all. Is it better to have loved and lost? At this moment, I'm going to say no. The opposite of loneliness is so much better than I could ever imagine when I had never been anything but lonely. It's like asking a soul who has always dwelt in Hell and never known Heaven if they want to into Heaven. Then only opening the the gates long enough to show them what they're missing before sending them back down to Hell. It's just that bad. And I am just that fucking lonely at the moment. I'd cry, but I'm done with that. I just want someone to hold.

May 02, 2008

Wow, a morning of temporary optimism. Maybe I'm still a little high from last night, maybe it's because I'm finally full (before last night I'd been eating out of cans all week) or maybe it's because I'm doing something about my roommate situation, I don't know but in this moment I'm feeling okay, really for the first time since me and A broke up. I have a little (very little, lol) money in my pocket and I have a plan B if my search for a roommate doesn't work out. I don't really have much more to say than that, but I just wanted to get this happiness down before it goes away. Alas, I'm off to work in a good mood for the first time all week, I really hope this lasts.