July 28, 2010

Me asking her out everyday is just me trying to establish myself outside of the friend zone, when I'm probably already there and even if I'm not, I still have a really sweet friend and I didn't know this yesterday or the day before, but at this moment I realize that's more than enough in life. I may not realize this tomorrow or the next day but at this moment, I am zen.

1 comment:

Aiden said...


Its 6:47 AM here in Canberra and i haven't slept. I haven't slept because of a life realization thrown upon me by wikipedia. That realization is that i have "Body Dysmorphic Disorder". This condition is the reason i battle with Weed addiction, in essence bodybuilding is my heroin, weed is my methadone and megarexia or Body Dysmorphic Disorder is my addiction. Weed numbs me, stops me looking in the mirror, stops me caring. It allows me to relax and be happy without the burden of this illness. PLEASE for your own sake watch and read about Body Dysmorphic Disorder. If you cry for hours researching this condition, then you and i are both on the path to treatment. Please keep me informed. please.