September 05, 2010

Jamie! I miss you sooo much, here's my new blog everyone: . . . that's where some of my super secret non-work-appropriate posts are. And the slightly obsessive, mildly crazy stuff is too.

Anyways, my Kiwi-Angel, I just saw New Zealand on the news and I thought of you, hope you were okay. And randomly the change machine at work spit out a New Zealand quarter so another reason to think of you. Anyways, wish we had a chance to talk again, I know that some day I'll make it to New Zealand which recently made it to my list of places to see before I die, and then we'll sit back and you can show me the local culture. . . and you are so not chunky, you're the picture of beauty and very possibly the girl of my dreams . . .

Which leads me on another tangent. There is a girl that I don't know that keeps on showing up in my dreams and has been for years. At first, she was just the perfect kiss. In my dreams, she would be the one that kissed me and showed me that the spark does exist somewhere in life. I woke up with a sense of hope whenever I dreamed of her. I never realized that it was always the same girl. She's shorter than me maybe 5'3 or 5'4 with straight, shoulder length dark, dark brown hair and cream skin. She has smallish tits, and she's always dressed kinda conservatively or at least not slutty.

The other night, I dreamt that I was talking to a bum outside my work and he wasn't being very cooperative, and I was just trying to have a conversation with him. And she was just back maybe 10 yards watching. Just standing there making sure I was okay. So I'm thinking she's some sort of spirit guide or something, any ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm could be a spirit guide. I don't really know what that is but it sounds good. Or like, deja vu, before it happens, if that makes sense? Or maybe it's your mind using her appearance to conceal something else about her that makes her someone you already know until you're ready to see them that way?

Yeah I'm fine, I wasn't in the earthquake but know lots of people who were.

Totally checking out your other blog too hehe :)
