October 02, 2010

I hate kt, I hate kt with all that I am and all that I have to hate. If I could feel this much burning passion about anything else in life, I'd be a success. Throughout the past few weeks I'd like to think that I've grown and I've purged, but my hate for kt, only burns hotter and longer. I hate kt for what it did and what it didn't do. I blame it for the loss of my career. It doesn't get credit for anything except for ending what could have been my happily ever after of jobs. Now that I'm off on a new adventure, if I find success, then great, I'll still hate kt. If I hit rock bottom and die an early death, I hope my last words are not of love to my family but maybe of forgiveness to kt. Not likely though. If at some point I do take that plunge off of Cape Perpetua, don't worry, you'll read it here before I do, then my last written words on this earth may be of my hate of kt. May my last thoughts be of love and what I'm saying goodbye to, but my last written word be of my hate of kt, and which point, all will know what kt is. My last entry will hold back no names, there will be no doubt about who finally made me say goodbye.

And YES I am being melodramatic, but this is MY blog and I can cry about whatever I want to. And right now, I want to say again that I hate kt more than I've ever hated any single thing in my life. Kt is responsible for me loosing my job. Period. As a disclaimer, I wish no harm to kt. But this is America and if the KKK can hate blacks and Jews and gays, then I can hate kt. And I do. But I hate kt more than the KKK hates all that they hate. I hate kt more than Hitler hated the Jews. I hate kt more than Bush hated homosexuals and more than Cheney hated America. And to paraphrase "Hook", I hate, I hate, I hate KT! I wish kt no harm.

I hope that kt feels bad for what it did, but I'm almost positive that it's proud of itself. I wish kt no harm. Even though I've forgiven the boss that fired me and I've forgiven myself for all the little things that I did to help myself get fired, I even forgive those responsible for me loosing my apartment, and I certainly forgive the dick that got me put in jail, I cannot and as far as I can tell, will not ever forgive kt. I wish kt no harm. But I will never, ever stop hating KT!


Anonymous said...

What/who is KT? *hug* also you never emailed me back oi. Hope ur okay... <3


oblivions_abyss said...

KT is a person(s) that got my fired from my last job. I'm still really mad about it and I can't forgive he/she/them yet, and I doubt that I ever will. First, I didn't get your e-mail, so re-e-mail me if you want, probably oblivions_abyss@yahoo.com would be best. And yeah I'm talking about suicide a lot here lately, but that's because it's comforting to have an out when life starts to suck. Even though I'm probably not going to do it, it's good to know that if it gets too bad and out of control, I still have that one last out if I want it.