October 10, 2005

No Quick Fixes
(except Paxil)
Why is there no quick fix to all my social problems? Actually, I think there is, I was on Paxil for the entire time I was at Job Corps, and I made all my best friends in life there. The point: Mind altering Rx drugs are the key to social conformity. In high school, I did everything I could to avoid conformity, as if it were a plague and it would do irreparable harm to me if I conformed. But it wouldn't. Now all I want is to conform into exactly what society wants of me. I want to be the good little man, go to work, go home, spend money, and rack up the all American debt. Well maybe not the debt part, but all the other stuff definitely.
The real trouble is that I'm fighting my own mortality, and I realize that all we do between birth and death is all distraction. I know I have friends that care about me, and I may be pushing them away. Alas, as of now my mind is distracted. I think I want to go shopping after work, maybe hit safeway for a pizza, and I also need ranch. Or I could have that chicken that g-ma got me last night.
Ha ha, blissful distractions. Spending money I don't really have etc. BTW giving cigarettes to a boss in need, is always a good carrier choice :)


Gregg said...

That's one way to interpret your experience. It's also possible that Paxil pushed away your anxiety making it easier to understand what you were feeling and therefore what you wanted and needed.

If that's conformity, then so be it, but on the other hand, maybe life doesn't have to be a struggle and maybe it's the stuggle that creates social unrest.

I personally believe that not everyone is cut out for the pressures that our society places on them. Therefore we can either change society or the people. Right now we are trying to change the people with psychotropic drugs such as Paxil, Prozac, etc. I am not sure or the right answer.

Anonymous said...

My name is Michael Smith and i would like to show you my personal experience with Paxil.

I am 40 years old. Have been on Paxil for 5 years now. Please be careful if coming off, i started to wean myself with out doctors help couldnt afford it. I went from 20 mgs to 10 mgs for a month, then 10 mgs to 5 mgs for a month. Because the 20 mgs were way to strong took 20 for 5 years and was always on edge. After about 1 month on 10 felt a little better. I stopped for 7 days completly and man did I feel like shit man I didn’t want to leave the house , shop! I just started back on 5 mgs to get it back in my system. Who know what is the right amount you have to be the test subject on yourself!

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Headaches, tremors, emotional wreck, just the blah's when I 1st started takin wasnt bad, cause I also way taken klonopin.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Michael Smith