October 03, 2005

So it doesn't look like anybody's reading my blog yet :( That's okay, I created this to have a sane alternative to talking to myself. Don't you hate it when you get an itch that you just can't scratch, because you don't know quite where it's coming from? That's what life is doing to me now. Now that I have everything set up, I have no goals.


There is no more direction in my life other than gaining more material stuff. There is no more big adventures for me left in life.

I've pretty much resigned myself to being alone for the rest of my life. Of course there is that occasional flare of hope, though I haven't even had that in a while. I find myself lowering my standards in a woman lower and lower, and soon I'll take any woman that shows even the smallest bit of interest in me.

I know this statement reeks of desperation, and maybe I am, but I could always distract myself from those problems with other problems . . . . Alas now I can wallow in self pity while worshiping the god of alcohol. I just hope I can balance alcoholism with work. I hope I can afford it.

Isn't it incredibly sad that my current goal is to become a closet alcoholic?

Is there any more fun left in life?

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