October 22, 2005

So I was just reminiscing about Job Corps. In the old cliche' it was the best of time and the worst of times. Right now I'm thinking about the best of times. Job Corps was the one time in my life when I had friends. I had a group, a clique, I was someone. I had purpose in life. Oh what I wouldn't give for friends again.
Alas, I've decided that I want to do something today. I have some extra money, and I don't really want to go home and drink, I do that with every day off. I also don't feel like going to g-ma's tomorrow, but I know I'll end up doing that. I'm sick of playing video games, and I'm sick of seeking distraction and satisfaction through meaningless activities. I want to do something seeing a movie maybe, but there's nothing out that I want to see, plus what fun is going to movies alone. Maybe I'll see if Christina and Desmond (my cousins and her bf) want to do something. The trouble is what. Drinking is running it's course and now it's old. I could go shopping for the sake of shopping, but there's nothing that I really want or need, maybe egg nog, but nah. So what will follow is a brain storm, unless I get interrupted by a call, which of course I was, right in the middle of the word interrupted. So here it goes.

Brian Storm:
Video Games
Bar (damn, I'm too young)
Rent a movie
Call Jenn
Bowling (alone?)
Pool (is there a pool hall in this town?)

So it is decided, I will do nothing. I will be nothing, and all of the sudden I have a craving for crab. Maybe I'll see if g-ma and g-pa want to go to dinner tonight, my treat of course. Hmm Chinese, I won't have to eat for a week. Or maybe I could just go to safeway and spend 10 dollars on a crab. I really want crab, hmmmm, crab.

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