December 01, 2005

Bank Error in Your Favor Collect $50
Ha ha, finally, something goes good in life. They make a mistake on my check and it's an extra $50 for me. So I'm towards the end of my week of Hell, where I work 14 hour days every day except Sundays and keep my days off. My paycheck was $600, when usually it's $560 or so. I'm buying my computer on Saturday from some guy in Eugene, and I only have one more Hell day after today, though if I wake up any sicker than I am right now, I'm calling in sick, which would pretty much eliminate all of my previous OT. Any they put me on Exclusively Haier queue.
So let's explain the concept of the queue, For those of you who don't know, I work at a call center, answering phone calls all day long for various companies. There are two companies that I work for: Haier America and Petters Consumer Brand. They make different kinds of products, but that's beside the point. A call center works by taking incoming calls and assigning them to different reps, based on their order in the queue (or list.) So whenever you take a call you're placed on the bottom of the list. Now this is where it gets complicated. There are three lists: One list for Haier only, on list for Petters only, and one list for both. Most people being on both lists (or queues). So let's say a Petters Call comes in. The call first goes to the person at the top of Petters list, or if there is no one available on the Peters only queue, it is sent to the person on the top of the Both list. So today I'm the only person on the Haier only queue, all the Haier calls will come to me first! That means unless I am on a call, I will get every Haier call that comes in. Or, unless there are no haier calls coming in, I'm on a call!!

But it other, betters news, I'm getting my own computer on Saturday, so finally I'll be able to find the girl of my dreams, and find those ones that got away in high school, I'm so excited, lol :) More importantly, I'm getting my GGW video today (use your imagination on what ggw stands for, lol)

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