December 19, 2005

Divine Obscurity!

I know there are people that aren't quite comfortable with this phrase. To use a godly connotation on something as unholy as being alone, doesn't quite click with some people. So let me explain.

Divine: universally accept. Accepted by the universe as being good and right! There is nobody that can tell you "no." Because the UNIVERSE it's self has accepted you! THE UNIVERSE IT'S SELF!! As it nobody can tell you you're lower than what you think you are. Divine doesn't mean better, it means more than.
Obscurity: existing, but not quite. Living, but barely. Kind of like Stephen King's low men in yellow coats. So flashy and vain, but at the edge of reality. The center of your own existence, but not registering to anybody else. Holy, hedonistic bliss, and nobody cares!
THAT is the point of divine obscurity. Existing for the purpose of pleasure, and nobody notices!

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