November 21, 2006

A friend/crush breaks up with their boyfriend, what do you do? What a great question. There's basically two options, and maybe only one. Or maybe none, just walk away and forget about it. There's no need to risk a friendship for something that at best, well let's not think about at best, but at worst I could loose a friendship, make it awkward at work etc. Actually now that I'm writing this, I realize . . . Nothing. I had the very faintest grasp and what could have been, the solution to my problem. And even now it's at the front of my sub-conscience, but I'm willing it away. Well I guess I should deal with it, shouldn't I. What I want to do is . . . wow that's what I'm afraid of. This is ridiculous, I've known this friend/crush for just over a year, but we've only hung out outside of work twice, both times with her now ex-boyfriend. The fact that I think that I just might have a chance at something more is absurd. The only thing that causes me some reluctance is back in Junior or Senior year my then friend/crush broke up with her boyfriend of forever and I did the respectful thing. I tried to support her, listened etc. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time, we stayed friends. But later, after highschool, I get an e-mail from her saying that she wanted me to make a move on her then, and when I didn't she thought I wasn't interested. So I ask you faithful reader(s) is there any good answer to this most ancient of fables. My guess is no, I'll let you know how it goes.

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