October 31, 2007

Another holiday alone. So Halloween is here and I get to spend it alone again. It's not that Halloween is a huge holiday, but it sucks to be sitting in an empty house with nothing to do except for stare at a lonely computer and hearing phantom rings on my phone. It's funny, I'll be in the other room and I can seriously hear my phone ringing, but when I get there I have no missed calls and I'm still destined to face another holiday alone. Alas, I guess it can only get better. So that's all there's to say about it. Another holiday alone as I try to find new ways to occupy the time between I get off work and when I have to go back. I hope everyone else had a great holiday.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

First of all a big hug because being lonely sucks and I know how you feel. The worst is Valentines alone. I hate that, watching all the happy girls smiling serenely at bunches of tackily bright and garish flowers... Lol not that I am bitter or anything!

There will be someone out there for you. I believe that as much as I believe that nobody should EVER be allowed to say "I done my news report on...." lol Economics class joke I guess...

By the way, in your little profiley bit it spells "despair" as "dispare" lol. And being a total freak for grammar and spelling I have always wanted to mention that. Lol NO I'm not a nerd...

As a girl I am going to go through the craiglist ads and see what stands out for me lol. Hopefully a fresh eye might help. I will give you some tips- and most of all jon some kind of regular group where you can meet like-minded people!!

Okay I don't know what you really look like but you mentioned you want to lose weight so perhaps you could go to some kind of weight loss support circle lol. The good thing about big girls is that they are amazing in bed (or so I've heard) and they will be flattered if you find them attractive whereas skinny bitches are secretly thinking "yeah i am gorgeous i know i know better than you blah blah perky blonde language etc etc"!! Lol. Once again, totally not bitter!

I commented the post below again by way of response to YOUR comment- I don't know if you saw it.

I hope you hve been okay in the last couple of days and not dwelling on the fact that nobody was there to dress up in tacky hideous costumes for a tacky hideous american tradition and make out whilst looking like vampires. Coz the fake fangs would probably get in the way!!

And honestly, I would rather be a lonely young man than myself any day of the week.