October 23, 2007

A dream that I had right before I woke up, it rambles, but I die at the end so you might want to read it.

A dream

It starts out in a bar with a bunch of people, I'm start talking to this girl and she leaves withotu giving me her number, not too weird. The next scene I walk into an porta potty (a portable toilet) and while I'm standing there some kid tips it over and roles it around. The next couple of minutes are spent catching this kid and shoving him in an even smaller portable toilet, and rolling him around. The next scene, I'm sitting around with some people from work, asking about that girl that left and one of them gets a text from that girl I was flirting with saying she wants to hang out with me. So next thing I know, I'm sitting on my couch w/ this girl, but for some reason it's in the middle of a parking lot of some hotel or low income apartments. Again we're hitting it off, at this point the girl doesn't look, but feels like the girl from donnie darko. She's cute, but quiet and responsive, anyways, in the middle of almost making out with her, the same people that tipped over the portable toilet come back (at this point they look like the drug dealer kids from the wire) but they chase us and it's like a summer resort from the 60's mixed with my old high school, weird. And the cool part is, I can run the entire time without loosing breath. The girl that I was with does get ahead, but every time I turn a corner, she's still there with me. Anyways, we start running down a dock, and interestingly enough there are cars floating on the water in parking spots, but they're actually on the water. So we get to the end of the dock and Morgan Freeman (who for some reason was running with us) jumps off the dock and swims for some island, at this point I look back and that girl I was hitting it off with in the bar so long ago has now changed to Ginny Weasly, but is still the same girl. But I jump in among these floating cars and then I can't get my head above water, it's like the surface is too far away. I get my head above once and I'm trying to yell, the only person that hears me is that girl and she says something like "wait there he is" with hope in her voice, but then Morgan Freeman says something like "If only he were a better person, we might have rescued him"

That's when I sink below the water and the next thing I know, I wake up and I really do have to go to the bathroom, but I'm alive thank god.

So there it is, I might try to analyze it later, but for now at least it's down.


Jamie said...


Okay, we call it a portaloo but same thing.

This is a pretty cool dream. And you're right, the highlight for me was ur death. Alhthough couldn't you be a bit more descriptive? The pain of water entering your lungs, the suffocation, the peaceful realisation that your end was near, something to really push my buttons.

It just occurred to me that our communication is entirely one-sided- you've never even written back to me, except for a comment on my much neglected blog. It kinda tells me a little about your attitude towards people. That you would rather write about yourself for someone (me) to comment on than to actually write to me. You know almost nothing about me but I know a lot of things about you. That you have more weed than you probably should. That u and ur family don't really gel. That you are lonely. I know about Cassie, about your roommate, and about your craiglist ads and lonely hearts. But you wouldn't know who Steve was, or why I cried when I got his email.

I think you are a good person. A confused and lonely person maybe. But essentially good. You wanna know the truth? I'm 16. I don't have experience to back up what I say. I just know it.

Jamie said...

The first time I found your blog was through Yahoo! Answers. You had given this poor scared little girl a thoroughly dismal commentary on secondary education. It made me laugh so much. That might be a little insensitive but honestly, you reminded me so much of myself. I'm still in high school. I was new in a new city at a new school this year and at first all I did was roam the hallways with tears in my eyes looking for somebody who would maybe want to be my friend. And I found some- I always do. But I never make true friends. Just mates. My only true friend has been Steve.

Steve... what can I say about him? I googled teen suicide when I was totally depressed and found his website, EQI.org and emailed him. We have chatted on and off for about a year and a half now. Until I met my boyfriend I had planned to go travelling with S when I left school at the end of this year. But BF hates Steve, because Steve tells me he loves me. And usually he means it platonically. But BF calls him a paedophile because he's 50 and makes friends with little girls.
So now STeve hates me because of BF. LoL. It's got to the point where I don't wanna die but I can't be bothered to live. Sorry to say that but I am being totally honest. I wish I feared death like you do. All I fear is getting up in the morning. I'm so afraid of going to school every morning and work at night. I hate people because people hate me. Because I am opinionated and kinda chubby. I dunno.

Well the bell just rang. I'll keep reading your blog and email you properly when my computer comes back from the EVIL OVER-CHARGING IT GUY!!!!
