November 20, 2007

So quitting lasted all of a day, all this build up and nothing. Same with loosing weight, I gained 5 pounds in the week that I was supposed to be loosing. But that's okay, I don't know why but it's okay. I know I should write more, but I don't feel like writing that much today. So I think I'll just go for a 2 minute free write, those are fun. So here it goes:

Here it goes, let's see what's on my mind. Not much really, I'm sitting here in an empty apartment watching Entourage and I'm having so much fun. There's purple penguins playing a piano in the corner as I walk into a bar enchanted by the rejects from Pan's Labyrinth. Red linguine is being served in the quarter mile buffet that resembles a trough more than a serving line. Ha ha, the random words of a bored mind. After that period of near lucidity I have once again fallen into the haze that is way too comfortable. I know it's not much, but I'll probably have a good post on Thursday. Holidays always bring out the worst in me.

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