August 22, 2008

I will never again get so close to someone that I'd be affected if they walked out of my life. That was my issue with A and I'm seeing this echoed again in K's new relationship. I will never love someone so much that when they walk out of my life for whatever reason, and they all do eventually, that it will hurt at all. What's weird is that I can still have feelings for K, obviously she used me, but she was fun and happy and hot. I know enough now to look at her relationship now and realize that she's in exactly the kind of relationship that she would have had with me. The guy does all he can to please her because he's so afraid to loose her. Which is exactly what happened with me and A. So if the parallel continues, she's eventually get tired of the way he's acting and realize that all the stuff he buys her isn't worth all the shit that she has to put with. What's sad is that it isn't his fault at all. With A I thought that I was doing the right thing. It really is scary to think about someone you "love" that much ever leaving you. I thought that she would be the cure to all of life's problems, but it didn't have to be her. I could have been any girl. I had put so much into having a relationship just because everyone else had one and they all seemed to be happy. I thought that it would cure the emptiness, and it did for a while. But yeah I ended up with a broken heart. The point of this whole lead up though:

I've learned my lesson. I would never get that attached to a girl. Now whoever I end up with, I won't give a damn if they walk out on me, I will never ask them to stay, I will never beg for anyone back. It's not worth it. If they didn't like me enough to stay, then asking them, or begging them to come back will only make it worse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so, i did a google search for "i'm alone and bored in my apartment. after al, i'm alone and bored in my apartment.. i thought some ideas for interesting things to do would pop up. alas, i was wrong. well, maybe i wasn't, because a lot of blog entries came up first. yours was second. i started reading another girl's, but it was a dreadfully boring quiz. one of those "what color hair do you wish you had?" things. so, i started reading yours.

google led me to a post from like, november 2007. don't freak out, i didn't read all the posts from then until now. i just read a couple. basically, i just wanted to tell you that i'm reading, and ask if you wanted a friend.

so. hey. my name is sam. i'm a girl, heads up. the name sometimes confuses people.

so. what now?