October 20, 2010

Zoloft Diaries

I know it's going to be hard for everyone to accept that I'm going to change overnight. But the fact is, that I am. It's just that simple. I take this magical pill, and the world seems like a less threatening place. Sure that means headaches in the afternoon and decreased sex drive, but people seems to like me better, so I'm making a sacrifice for my friends and family. I just wish some would appreciate that more.

I know that I was an asshole before, I knew it while it was happening, it just took me a while to make the connection between quitting Zoloft and the collapse of my life from the ground up. I'm not saying that none of that would have happened anyway. KT would have still cost me my job and BTW, I still hate them more than I've ever loved anyone. I wish KT NO harm, but I don't think I would be hugely disappointed if Karma finally caught up with them and KT ended up homeless on the corner, addicted to meth, begging for quarters. In fact, I think I might have to stop by and spit on them if I did find them in such a predicament. I wish them no harm.


Anonymous said...

You are avoiding me now and I don't like it....


I'm sorry..........


Jamie said...

hope ur ok.

The "wish them no harm" thing makes me giggle.
Hope ur magical pills are happy-making and not making things worse
Oh yeah and I'm emailing u... ur Yahoo.
And we should catch up soon on messenger or something. do you use facebook much?
