April 21, 2006

It's occurred to me that Disneyland is in the past, and dwelling on the past isn't healthy. It also occurred to me that I've been dwelling in the past too much lately. Recently my life has been about dwelling in the lessons of past failures. Maybe because I feel to comfortable in my life right now. But it's not comfort that I feel, yeah I'm secure in a job and an apartment, but something's gnawing away at my sub-conscience again. And maybe it's been there for a while now because I'm just now starting to become aware of it. But I don't like being content. It's really as simple as that, if I'm not striving for something or struggling then life gets boring. And of course the real issue that I'm trying to avoid due to the fact that this blog is know to too many people is . . . well I just can't say right now. I want to say, but I feel putting it into words will somehow jinx it. Let it be sufficient to say that I spent 4-5 hours cleaning my apartment working towards an elusive goal that so far seems close but just out of reach. Alas how did I put it once: "boundless failures of past lives besiege me as I rest." Well I'm sick of being attacked by past failures, tonight, we Drink! (well rather I drink, but you get the point)

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