April 23, 2006

My uncle has always said that there's two sides to him. One that he shows people, the slightly wild but "normal" person, and the rebel raging inside, mad at the world. I always thought I had the same thing. I realized today that even though I have the same situation going, I let my angry side out way too much. And there is a specific story behind that, though for one reason or another I'm reluctant to write about it. But here it is:

I was sitting at my desk talking religion etc. With the redneck girl next to me, and for some reason, Charles Manson was brought into the conversation. I told her, I think he should write a book, and then she was all, "I feel sorry for you." So I told her, I don't want your sympathy.

Why do people feel sorry for me, I don't give a fu*k what other people think. Well at least I pretend to and I desperately don't want to care. Why don't I just clam up and learn to hate like I used to.

In high school I had such an idealized version of the world, well not idealized but clear. I used to hate people until they gave me a reason not to, I would rather be hated than ignored. I knew what I wanted and to hell with the rest of the world. Now after high school and a few more experiences, I thought I was maturing by learning to trust people unless the gave me a reason not to, etc. Even liking people unless the gave me a reason not to. I've been seeking approval from the world that shunned me for so long, and I ask myself, WHY?!?

Why do I need approval now from a world that has shunned me. I have a little success in life and I want a pat on the head and somebody to say good job? I never got that growing up, I didn't get it anywhere else in life, why do I want it now. The answer is simple, I DON'T!

Somehow my glasses have been tinted rose by vacation and success. Now that optimism has been sufficiently ripped away from me, and I see the world as the bleak and bitter excuse for life that it is.

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