December 30, 2007

*DISCLAIMER* This was a dream, only a dream that I had about being accused of murder. Nobody is dead, well, people die every day. But I have no first hand knowledge of any death. Again this was only a dream!!

So I just had a dream where my mother accused me of murder and nothing I did would make her change her mind. I'm sure it has more to do with the episode of Futurama I watched right before bed than anything else, but it was still scary. Eventually in the dream I watch the end of a movie and that proves to her that I didn't kill anyone. The bad part is, during most of the dream when I'm trying to convince her that I didn't kill anyone, I wasn't sure myself that I didn't.

That's always been an irrational fear of mine, especially living most alone. If I was accused of something, there's a good 14-16 hours a day that I don't have an alibi for. With everybody that America has in it's prisons, isn't it possible that some of them may actually be wrongfully accused? I just saw something on Court TV the other day where somebody was convicted and during his last statement to the court, he says "I just want to say again that I did not do it." But he sounds so defeated, he resigned himself to going to prison for something he didn't do. Of course then you run into the Double Jeopardy situation. So if you get of prison after being convicted of a murder you didn't commit and the person they say you killed is actually alive, then because the constitution says you can't be tried for the same crime twice then you run into the only situation where murder is legal.

Yeah that sounded really crazy, but I swear I'm not, it was just a line of though after a bad dream.

On a lighter note, for the first time since moving out on my own, I won't be alone for New Years. So I finally completed a resolution from two years ago. This years resolutions will be long and varied, so those will come in another post sometime after January 1st. Oh, and the late night talk shows are coming back. If that isn't a blessing in the new year, I don't know what is. Now I don't have to give a damn about the writer's strike as long as Entourage isn't affected in the Summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe your mom was the real murderer and she was trying to frame you into it???Dreams are a porthole to the future,take them seriously....