January 02, 2008

New Years Resolutions 2008

  1. Quit smoking weed long enough to find another job
  2. Quit Smoking cigarettes
  3. Loose 100 lbs, that will get me close to where I want to be
  4. Move to Eugene to start over again, who knows, make the grass really is greener (ha ha, I made a pun)

I know I will probably fail at all of those. This time next year I'll be writing an entry about how much it sucks to spend another New Years alone. I'll be another 50 lbs heavier dreaming about how good it felt to be 300 lbs. But who knows, I might find the motivation somewhere to achieve these goals. The question that I keep asking myself is this: Do I really want to start all over? Is change okay for the sake of change? Maybe I should get this life together before I try to find another one. I don't know, but I am running late for work, so Happy Fucking New Year!

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