June 30, 2010

A dream: I'm not sure why, but I'm on a planet and we have to get off or something. It all happens in the smoking area at work, and of course I have that force power that I always dream about where I can move things with my mind. For example, we towards the end of the dream somebody bombs the smoking area right before everyone is about to leave and I use my power to move things with my mind to pick a table off that girl of my dreams. We kiss goodbye just as she dies. And the whole time, it's like I know it's a dream or at least a book or something, because at one point I'm in the break room at work and Keith is there. I say something like, "it can't be over now, there's still a hundred pages left" and I hold up a book. I say somebody should die, it'd be a great twist, and I thought that Keith would make the perfect plot twist. Then I take a walk to Safeway and on the way I meet a little girl that's crying, and for some reason she's crying over a friend or family member that's hurt or something. It still has something to do with the leaving the planet thing. Anyways, I'm not sure why/how but I end up in a hospital room and I meet her sister, who is the "girl of my dreams". I end up being my empathetic self and we end up hooking up. Somebody dies and I give her a hug and then I kiss her on the neck and we end up making out. Then we're all getting ready to leave the planet, people bomb the smoking area which is the landing area and I end up saving her.

Now let's talk about the girl of my dreams. It's always the same girl in all my dreams. She's brunette, with long straight hair, skinny. She always dresses well and is totally into me, but without any distinct personality traits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jase.
It's me Jamie.
Just saying hi and letting you know I still read this.
Hope you're well.