July 13, 2008

Nice Guys Finish Last

Of course they do. There are a million reasons why they finish last, try googleing the Ladder Theory. The trouble is, I don't know how to stop being the nice guy. Or maybe I do, but I just don't want to because that is who I really am. I just really like K, and I know being the nice supportive friend to her will get me nowhere. Past experience has more than taught me that . . . I don't know. I don't know why I'm letting myself get attached to someone that will never have me. I'm just setting myself up to get hurt and I've been hurt on and off since she came around. I'm full of all the cliches: we have such a deep connection, she's already told me that I'm a "great guy" and she called me "buddy", and I was the one that ran across town last night just to drop off something that she left here (she was baby sitting) and even though she gave me a quick hug I know when I'm in the friend zone. Still there's the part of me that can't help but hope, I don't know why I can't kill hope no matter how hard I try.

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