August 08, 2006

So they move my desk again. This is the fourth time since I've been here. They told me change my attitude, so I did. Now they cast me off. This is like in school when the teacher says get into groups and you ask if you can work alone just because you don't want the humiliation of looking around with the lost look on your face, begging somebody to take sympathy, inches from tears but you just can't let them see that. So you work alone, and you fail Spanish three time because you're forced to learn from books when everybody else gets to endlessly repeat Spanish. The same in Algerbra where you stare at the book longing to understand, begging God or who ever to just help you understand, while all around you people work in groups on problems that they all understand just because they work together so that they can have the moment where a concept that has been eluding them for so long clicks into place. The difference between them and you, they have that instant gratification that comes when people say good job, oh now I get it, or simply DUH! Instead when you have that moment of understanding, you're sitting at a desk alone pretending not to care about anybody but secret longing to be part of the group, absently staring at a book your eyes unfocused, when suddenly a stray thought catches another stray thought and they mix in harmony, though they are quickly forgotten in a haze of embarrassment from having hoped that somebody might care. It's the same as taking choir as an easy C, but getting into it because for the first time you feel bigger than yourself, to spend hours after school trying to train your voice to control your falsetto, and finally that elusive g note that's between your regular voice and falsetto, that is so crucial to a song. You don't know why you care, but all you know is somebody is there to say that you're doing good, and is telling you how to improve instead of telling you that you're wrong. For the same reason you skipped Prom to spend the night in your room alone with a bag and a video game. Because you care when you don't want to, because the boundless rejections of past life besiege you as you rest. This is why moving to the corner feels like every single time they teacher told you to get into groups, and every time you ever had hope that some girl who talks to you actually might be your ticket away from virgin hell. It's not that you're weird it's that you feel rejection so much harder than the rest of the world that you cling to every bit of hope that is sent to you. When you finally feel part of the "cool" group that you've been longing for since forever, they kick you out. And when you realize that they have a problem with you change instantly in the hope of it all being better again, when it isn't, you want to close your eyes and screem, let all the rage and depression take physical form, but you don't and you keep your mouth shut again, until one day it was all explode at the first person that asks you "how's life" and actually means it. But for now you type away in a blog that nobody reads, two posts in a day and a copy edit, and hope that somebody out there truly gives a fuck.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I do not write more often than I do. I do read your journal, I just stopped reading it everyday when your posts came once a week or so. Sorry again for not responding to more of them. Maybe it would of helped your mood if I had. I forgot my blog password so I'm doing this on "Other". But yeah.... I'll eventually remember it.

Moving your desk...does that mean to a new desk/cubical in the area, to a different wall, turned it away from the others or what? Cause it may not mean they are casting you away.

And if I had attended the same school as you I would of included you or sat with you during an assignment whether you admitted the air of wanting company or not. You sometimes do that, put up a shield that tells others to buzz off but only because you don't want them to come over and taunt or say something cruel. I know you've come along way, you try not to do that, or at least you were trying when I had last seen you.

and if you wish I'll be the person who asks "how's life" and your more than welcome to blow up on me. Vent J-man. Its good for you. Don't feel bad about letting your emotions out in a blog, its far better than telling your boss "up yours" when they are asking about something on the phone.

And your weight, More people than you realize struggle with theirs. I'm struggling again. Its hard when you crave things, right now its chocolate for me. I keep eating it even though I know I shouldn't, too many calories for one day, too much sugar etc etc etc. Just take things one at a time, say no to ONE Thing a day. Its bedtime and your eyeing a frozen pizza. Have a cigarette then go to bed. If you still want pizza in the morning have some. It gets easier to say no to 1 thing than to think "I can't have that period" because the more you tell yourself you aren't ALLOWED to have it, the more your body will say "I'm starving! Eat it eat it!" or you eat too much of other things trying to cure your craving. Or if you have the pizza just eat one silce then go to bed, don't eat the whole thing. Cold pizza makes an awesome breakfast =P

and maybe you should talk to someone, maybe not your boss in specific, but someone about what your going through, perhaps someone who could help you with your stuggles, a friend that comes over maybe? or someone you've seen alot and they appear to be friendly. Strike up conversation, test the waters. You might have someone you can talk to right before your eyes.

I wish I could do more than sputter or sprout out encouragement and understanding. I'm not close enough to offer a hug and to sit down with you and talk. If you were closer I'd so have Shane stop by your house when he's on leave to both give you advice and kick you in the butt when you start running from success and happiness. I'm not trying to be know me. But you do that.

I just want you to find more than just a glimmer of happiness. When you see that shimmering wonder, don't try to strangle it with both hands, but don't push it away either. I know...its hard to find a happy middle ground when your used to having certain reactions, or doing things to prevent any reaction that you do not control.

I'll make it a point to talk with you more. Take care J-man. In my prayers. -Oppie

Anonymous said...

Wow. You said it all. Thank you. I can't believe someone else knows what it's like.