October 13, 2006

I am afraid of boredom. I know I just posted a couple hours ago, but I am afraid of boredom. So I'm writing about boredom because I'm bored, and I don't want to talk about my real fears. Maybe I'll go home tonight and get drunk alone, but it's so lonely. Maybe when I think boredom, I'm really thinking lonely, because that's what I'm really afraid of is loneliness. I wake up every morning panicking at 8:40 for no good reason, I know this isn't normal but I don't do anything about it because I'm afraid to know how effed up I am. Ugh, I cannot stand boredom, I want to do something, anything this weekend. I know most people like relaxing weekends, but that's because they don't live alone. I live alone, alone, really, really alone. People care, but not really, I don't know anybody else that lives alone. I don't know anybody that's ever lived alone. It's just not right. How much of a social reject must I be that I'm living alone?

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